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Nolahni spent the rest few hours rewatching every footage of Loki on Midgard. Trying somehow to find out when did things go wrong. Looking for a single clue that would show her this was still the man she knew.

No matter how many times or under which angle she looked at the screen, she could not recognise her husband. How could this be the loving man she spent a couple of hundred years with? She wished she had more time as his lover before he turned out this way.

Fiddling with her emerald ring, she failed to notice the figure walking her way, thus until a cup was put in front of her. Looking up, she saw the redhead woman that interrogated her husband,  herself holding one that she brought to her lips with a small smile.

"You don't like change, do you?"

"Does anybody?" The brunette sighed, eyeing the dark brown drink. "What is this?"

"Why don't you try it and find out?" She smiled.

The Novarkian took a sip of the drink, slightly surprised at the immediate bitter taste, though it had a certain warmth to it. Confusion took over her face as she kept drinking.

"Not everything needs to be figured out."

"Some things must or they eat you alive." She replied, putting the mug back down. "I like it, what is it?"

"You've never had coffee before?" Natasha questioned, surprised.

"I have." Thor said, joining their conversation. "Different from our beverages but still something, don't you think Nola?" She nodded.

"Let's check the others' progress, maybe they found something." The agent put the drink down, walking away, followed by the god and goddess.

Walking down the hallways, Nolahni felt more empty than when she had to leave her birthplace. The hope that she would one day be reunited with her love and live a happy life was slowly dying. But she was not ready to give up, he was alive and could still become a better person. She was ready to forgive him if he let go of his anger.

"Did you know about this?" They heard Bruce ask Natasha the second they entered the room. The rising tension could be felt almost immediately.

What was going on?

"Did I miss something?" Nolahni turned to Thor, who looked as confused as she did.

"Yeah, they've been lying to us." Julianne replied pointing at the redhead and the pirate look-alike.

The agents? Nolahni squinted her eyes, looking between them.

"You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?" 

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