Day 1

181 3 8

"50, 49, 48..."

Time had felt like it had gone so quickly to the 24 tributes. Their hearts were pounding quicker than their ability to develop any plans. Their eyes were all shifted around, staring at the tributes. Some were as light as 80 pounds, some were as heavy as 180. Some were as small as 4'2, some were as tall as 6'2. However they all had one thing in common; they were scared out of their minds.

"47, 46, 45..."

Their goal, was to either take a bag from the cornucopia or run into the woods. You either avoided violence or tried to create it.

"20, 19, 18..."

Time was going quick. But how could've this had happened? There were about 4 couples in the games. Nobody could of ever thought of the possibility of someone rigging the votes, right?

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..."

Here we go.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

Jenni, Echo, Perrie, Morpheus, Rosie, Mason, and Ariel ran towards the woods without getting anything from the cornucopia.

Many of the rest dashed into the cornucopia. However, a few, such as Maikki, Emily, and Selena, had no idea where to go.

Giovanni harshly pushed Oral to the ground, and grabbed one of the knives from the center to stab her. However, when he turned around, he saw that Oral had fled, and Peyton, the other tribute from his district, was there instead. Peyton was ready to cooperate with him, however, he wasn't... And he slashed her to the ground.

Avril had taken a bow and aimed it at Ash, but Ash threw a knife with bad accuracy and it only hit her in the foot. Avril fell and limped.

Poor Carter was not as strong as the one she interfered with; Ivan. Ivan had taken a dagger from the cornucopia and using her great skills in stealing, Carter snatched it from his hand. "Give it back, you bitch!" Ivan growled. Carter was about to stab him, but he took hold of her wrist and brought the knife into her chest.

"... Nice job Ivan." Selena said to him. He turned around, looking at her angrily. "Look, Ivan... We need to work together." Ivan growled and lifted his knife. Selena couldn't do anything but close her eyes. However, a javelin impaled Ivan from the back. Ivan fell, revealing Jinx from behind him. "Jinx!" She hugged him, but he pushed her away. "N-no time. Let's go."

Nathaniel had two bags on his back. "Take one." He demanded, throwing one at his brother, Theodore. Theodore just gave him a stare. "Nathaniel!" Cried out Avril, on the ground, with blood seeping out of her upper foot. Ash came up to kill Avril, but Nathaniel stabbed her in the head. He picked up Avril and handed her a bag. "Let's go."

Many had left the cornucopia. Andrew had already manipulated Emily, Rosie, and Enos into an alliance. Here was his next victim, Maikki.

"Hey, want to join an alliance?" He said, then stared at Maikki." "...what?! What the fuck, it's a girl with no boobs!" He laughed at the boy. Maikki quickly took out a knife and threw it at his neck.

The cornucopia was fully abandoned, except for Giovanni, which Perrie and Rosie had come over to him. Perrie and Rosie both had the same technique; to hide out and not kill anyone. But, Rosie had a bigger plan. She was going to make an alliance with everyone. "I'm heading out." Giovanni said. "You two better hide." He took a knife, hugged Perrie, and left. Jenni arrived and walked up to them. "Cmon guys, we're open for attack!"

Morpheus was running towards Rosie. He wanted to reunite with her and give her some food. Selena was also running, however away from the cornucopia. They bumped into each other, and stared. They nodded, picked up their belongings and ran past each other.

After having his parter killed, Luke had to form an alliance. Emily didn't have a partner either, and they decided to team up. "Luke, you go looking for berries, I'll try to get a bird to cook." She took out a bow she had hand-crafted. Luke nodded and started looking.

"Mason... Mason!" Rosie called. "Are you okay?" Mason had his hood down and he looked towards the ground. He was weaponless. "No..." He whispered. "I don't want to fight. Killing people reminds me of what people did to Lila..." She frowned. "Just find somewhere to hide okay?" She hugged him and started climbing up a tree. Rosie had made an alliance with Mason, Perrie, Jenni, Giovanni, Morpheus, Ariel, Selena, Echo, Maikki, Emily, and Theodore. "I don't want to fight..." She said to herself.

Maikki had looked out from a distance and then turned back to Oral. "We if you shoot the arrow at right angle, or 90 degrees, the trajectory of that arrow will lead to onto that branch, and you can get that apple." Oral rolled her eyes. "Just shut-" she was interrupted by the screen that showed the deaths. "How many do you think died?" He asked. "...6", she said before the deaths were shown.

The sun had set. Jenni and Perrie sat in a cave. "I don't want to fight." Perrie said to her. "Me neither." Jenni agreed. "One second, okay?" She walked away, leaving Perrie alone.

The sun was setting. Ariel looked at Jinx and Selena after the death screen had appeared. "We should go to bed." They both nodded, and heard a scream, then a cannon boom.

Rihito had stood over the bloody body he had just killed. "Hmmmmm... Who might this be?" He smirked. "... Jenni, isn't it?" He took some of her blood and slathered it on a tree. He heard footsteps, so he quickly took Jenni's weapons and left.

Morpheus had settled down with Rosie and Echo. "I had set some traps!" Echo announced. "Yeah, whatever." Morpheus growled at her, and she frowned back. Rosie was already asleep. "Shut up! We're in an alliance, so we need to cooperate!" Echo informed. "Speaking of..." Morpheus hissed. "I don't want to be in this alliance with you anymore." And he jabbed her with a knife.

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