Day 6

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The sun arose.

Oral yawned and climbed down the tree she has settled down on, grabbed her knife and smirked. "6 left..." She strategically stepped from place to avoid her traps she had set.

Rosie, Perrie and Giovanni all took shelter on a canopy. Rosie was taking her turn to be on the lookout as Perrie and Giovanni were cuddling together on the other side.

"There's six of us left. I hope we're the final three!" Perrie smiled. "I don't know about that..." Giovanni looked away. "Giovanni's right." Rosie said, staring at her straight in the eyes. "If we were the final three, we would have to fight each other. I would never want to hurt you guys", Rosie stated, and Gio nodded.

"Isn't it weird..." Giovanni piped up, "That Rosie and Morpheus were put in the games together... And that... You and I were put in?"
"And Nathaniel and Theodore..." Rosie whispered. "And Selena and Jinx..." Perrie added.

All three of them eventually were in complete shock. "... This game is rigged."

Jinx had returned from his walk. He tried to get food. Both Jinx and Selena had settled in a small cave, rather bright in comparison than other caves. "I got some berries..." Jinx held out a pile of berries in his hands. "Berries? BERRIES?!" Selena laughed maniacally and whacked the berries out of his hand. "I'm not going to eat fucking berries! Go and get me some meat. NOW." "You're still in your psychopath mode, I'm guessing..." Jinx mutters. Selena shoved him against the wall and brought a knife up to his neck. "I said, GET ME SOME MEAT, OR ELSE I EAT YOU. DO YOU THINK I'M KIDDING?" She growled.

"You know what Selena?" Jinx shoved her away. "You're like some freak I don't even know anymore!" He sobbed and ran out of the cave.

Selena, for a few moments didn't care and continued to growl. As a few minutes passed, Selena slowly started to return to her normal self. "Jinx... I didn't mean to- No! Jinx! Where are you?"

Rosie and Giovanni went out to get some food. "Giovanni, I found berries!" Rosie called out from a bush. Giovanni aimed his arrow at the sky and shot out. A bird came flying towards the ground. "And we have a bird." Giovanni smirked and picked up the bleeding animal, and Rosie looked away. "Y-you and Perrie can have that," Rosie whispered, gagging lightly. "Come on, let's look in a different area." Giovanni stated, and they both left. As they were walking, Giovanni stepped on a branch that felt like a lever. "Giovanni, look out!!!" Rosie screamed, and down came a giant... pile of leaves?

"Oh thank goodness, it was just a pile of leaves." Rosie took a breath of relief. "Maybe it was a trap that fell apart or something", Giovanni said, removing himself from the pile of leaves. "I don't want to hit anymore traps..." Rosie whimpered. "Let's go back to the canopy." As they walked back, Giovanni started to scratch himself. "I feel so itchy..." As they got further and further, it had gotten worse. His whole face started to puff up. It was worst in his eyes. He could barely see.

Oral jumped from branch to branch all the way over to them. "Having some trouble seeing, I see?" She smirked. "What could've happened? I wonder..." She giggled. "AGH, FUCK YOU!" He threw his knife and Oral fled. The knife was nowhere near where Oral had been.

They had reached the canopy and Rosie made him lay down. "Alright... Giovanni, I don't want you throwing that knife around anymore, alright? Just relax." "Gio? What happened?" Perrie asked. "He hit a level which unleashed a bunch of poisonous leaves on him. He can barely see." Perrie put her hand on Giovanni's shoulder "Giovanni, you relax. I guess we will be on lookout tonight." Giovanni shook his head, however his voice sounded weird because his face was all puffed up. "No... I want to help!" Rosie and Perrie stood up and Perrie kissed his cheek. "Just relax."

The sun has set and a full moon light need up the sky. Rosie and Perrie were still awake while Giovanni was sleeping. Perrie was really tired. "I-I'm so tired... But I don't want to fall asleep... I want to look after Giovanni..." Perrie yawned. "Perrie... Fall asleep. I'll look after the both of you." Rosie explained. "No... I want to stay awake..." Perrie persisted. There was a slight pause. "I'm so glad that I still have Giovanni... And that we're both still alive. I could never be more grateful." Rosie sighed and looked up at the sky. "Every day I'm going to remember Morpheus. But eventually... I'll be with him. This game will be over soon..." Rosie exclaimed. Perrie frowned. "Rosie..."

All of a sudden, rustling could be heard. It wasn't wind... It sounded like... Something living. "Rosie... What was that?" Perrie whispered. "I don't know..." Rosie stood up and examined the area. All of a sudden Oral jumped through the canopy and slashed Rosie to the ground. "Rosie!!!" Perrie screamed. She threw her knife towards Oral and she dodged it. Oral pinned Perrie down and held a knife up to her throat. "Look at your pathetic boyfriend. You should've told him not to play around in those leaves." Oral laughed lightly and moved the knife in a little closer into her throat. Perrie started choking and whispered. "He isn't pathetic. He would kill you an instant." Oral laughed again. Perrie started to cry and she screamed. "Giovanni!!!" Giovanni awoke and noticed what was happened. Oral stood up and shoved Perrie down. Oral was trapped. "So this is how it's going to end, I guess." Oral was smiling for some reason. "Just kill me. What are you waiting for, Giovanni? Are you too pathetic? Oh, I forgot, you can barely see because of those leaves you were playing in. Not the best choice, honey."

Giovanni snapped. "GET THE FUCK AWAY!!!" He did the best he could with his blurry vision. He aimed his knife at Oral, and threw it. All he could see was blurry movement from his eyes. He knew he hit someone.

Selena grabbed her knife and went all over the whole arena to find him. She couldn't find him. She couldn't find anything to eat either. She laid down on the ground and started to cry. The clear droplets fell from her cheeks and moistened small spots on the dirt. She had no food, no water, no shelter, no one. This is when she knew she had to change.

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