Day 8 (Finale part 2)

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"Damnit!" Selena screamed and shot an arrow at the wall at figuring out Giovanni was gone. "We could've killed him and all that would be left were us and Rosie..." Selena said. "Yeah. Easy win." Jinx laughed. "I actually agreed to an alliance with her in the beginning. Only for the fact that I pitied her." Jinx sighed. "We were so close... What do we do now?" Selena saw a bird and shot it down with an arrow. "We should probably get something to eat."

Rosie was all alone. Why would Giovanni leave her like that? Is he ok? She attempted to climb up a tree, but she was too short to reach some of the branches and only got halfway up the tree. "Giovanni? Giovanni!!" She called out.

Giovanni didn't come, but Selena did. "Sorry, Rosie." She aimed her bow up at the girl and tried shooting her. Rosie screamed and did her best to move behind the trunk of the tree. Selena kept shooting arrows up at Rosie and the arrows kept whizzing by really close to her or into the trunk of the tree. "Someone... Help!" Rosie squealed.

Giovanni, who wasn't that far away, heard her. "Rosie!" He started running over to Rosie and bumped into Jinx. Giovanni growled and punched him to the ground. He wanted to do more, but he needed to help his friend.

It started to get windy.

Giovanni saw Selena shooting arrows at Rosie. Selena glared over at Giovanni and started shooting at him. Giovanni barely dodged the arrows and threw one of his blades. Selena dodged it as well. Rosie finally had time to get down from the tree. She grabbed her bow and shot as best as she could. They didn't get that close to Selena. Giovanni threw his other knife. It skimmed Selena's arm and cut through her skin, causing her to bleed. Selena growled and shot at Rosie. Rosie screamed and ducked, piercing into the tree behind her. Rosie hid behind the tree and shot. It missed. Selena looked around and noticed it was two against one and decided it was best to retreat.

As Selena ran, the gamemakers were watching. "Make her get back into action." The president said, and a few of them tapped on their keyboards. "President, look at this." He motioned the president over to a hologram of a creature that looked like a modified ant. "We call this a ryket. They travel in hordes and prey on human flesh. A bite from one of these feels like you've been stabbed. A horde can bite through a whole tree." The president smirked. "Hmm... Why should Selena have all of the fun?"

Rosie was down on the floor, hyperventilating. "I almost got shot... And I didn't even get close to her once..." Giovanni held his hand out. "It's fine. You're only getting used to it." She grabbed his hand and stood up. "Thanks Giovanni..." He smiled, but Rosie put her head down. "Why am I even still here... I should be dead." Giovanni moved around so she would face him. "Rosie-" "No... It's fine."

It was getting dark.

"It's getting too late. Let's go to the cornucopia." Giovanni said. "What? Why?" Rosie asked. Giovanni took his last knife and put it in his pocket. "I want to get this game over with." Giovanni and Rosie started their way over to the cornucopia.

Meanwhile, Jinx and Selena were making game plans. "I think we should go to the cornucopia." Jinx announced. "What?! Why?" Selena protested. "Let's just start camp here." Jinx shrugged and gave in. "Fine." All of a sudden, Selena started to hear gnawing. "What is that?" Selena asked. Out of nowhere, an army of insects marched out of a hole in a tree. "Oh shit!" Jinx yelled. Jinx climbed up a branch and held out his hand for her. Selena took his hand. Before he could pull her up, a couple of rykets climbed onto her ankle. Selena crushed one of them, but the other one bit her. Selena screamed in pain and crushed the insect. Jinx looked at the bite. It was a red/purple color, and bleeding very lightly. "Are you ok?" He asked her. "I feel like I was stabbed!" Selena said. The rykets started to bite through the tree. Oh crap... Selena... Get ready to jump to that tree over there!" As the tree fell, Jinx launched Selena over to a branch. Selena hung on with all of her might. Jinx jumped, and caught onto her ankle. That's as high as he could go.

"Damn..." Jinx looked down and the rykets swarming under them. "Selena... We're not going to make it." The branch started to bend. Jinx continued talking. "Okay... When we fall... I want you to run. Run and don't look back." Selena frowned. "What about you?" "I'm going to create a distraction and you run." "But... Jinx!" Selena started to tear. "I can't let you, Jinx... I can't-" "Just let me go." Jinx said, calmly. "No." Selena sobbed. "Selena-" "No!" She screamed. The branch started to bend more and more.

Rosie and Giovanni made it to the cornucopia. "Finally." Rosie sighed. "Hm..." Giovanni checked the cornucopia. Empty. "Shit." He ate some of the food from his bag. All of a sudden, Rosie saw a swarm of ant-like creatures heading their way. "Giovanni..." Rosie poked him. "One second Rosie, I-" He heard the swarm and turned around. "Crap! Get on top of the cornucopia! Get on top!" Giovanni jumped on top and lent a hand to Rosie. He pulled Rosie up easily. Rosie sighed. "That was super close!" "Yeah." Giovanni agreed, and smiled, relieved. The rykets couldn't bite through the steel of the cornucopia.

All of a sudden, they heard screams from far away. One was just a shriek of pain, and the other one was screaming a name. "JINX!!" then, not long after, a painful scream from the same person.

"Wait... What was that? What's going on now?" Rosie asked. Giovanni stood up. "The finale." He said matter-of-factly.

The sun rose.

"Wait... But... It's just the two of us... What now?" Rosie asked. "Sorry Rosie..." Giovanni whispered, as he grabbed the knife in his back pocket. "Wait... I give up! I forfeit..." Rosie said. She knew that despite saying that, it was probably no use.

All of a sudden, before anything else could happen, a ship came and flew down, and collected Giovanni and Rosie. "Wait... What's happening?" Giovanni asked as the ship departed. Rosie looked around in confusion. One of the officials looked at the two sternly and said, "The game is over. There is a rebellion against the capital."

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