Day 8 (Finale part 1)

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It was still night. A full moon glistened beautifully down onto the arena.

Selena and Jinx had set up camp on the ground secluded by a bunch of trees.

"Jinx... I'm so sorry... I promise that I will be a better person. This game just has my brain a little messed up... Please forgive me." Selena pleaded. Jinx smiled and put his hand on her chin. "Selena; I saw how sorry you were. And how much you cared. Of course I forgive you... I love you..." Jinx whispered, as his eyes shined in the moonlight. "Jinx... I love you too." Jinx blushed as they both went in for a kiss.

Rosie and Giovanni were still on the canopy.

Rosie woke up to Giovanni staring up at the moon. She overheard sniffling... Was he crying? Rosie slowly walked over to Giovanni. "Are you okay?..." Giovanni looked away, quickly wiped his tears, sniffles, and looked back at her. "Yeah. I'm fine." Rosie sat down next to him. "Were you crying?..." Rosie put her arm on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "N-no. I'm fine." Rosie looked away, as her blonde hair swayed gently in the wind. "I miss her too... She was my best friend..." Giovanni then couldn't hide it from Rosie any longer, and bursted into tears.

The next morning, there was an announcement.

"Good morning contestants. There are four bags in the cornucopia, for the four remaining districts. Since everyone alive is from a different district, everyone gets their own individual bag. It contains food, water, medicine, cream, and other items. If you can make it to the cornucopia, you get your bag."

"Cream.." Giovanni said. "You're cut up bad. You need it." Rosie nodded. "You're probably starving too. We need to get that bag."

"Water..." Selena whispered. "I'm so dehydrated." Selena started her way to the cornucopia. "Wait..." Jinx stopped her. "What if the other two are there? We could be putting us at risk." Selena shrugged. "Alright. We'll watch them from afar. When they leave, we collect our bags and prepare to attack."

Giovanni and Rosie were on the edge of the cornucopia. Giovanni had a dagger and Rosie had a bow. Rosie wasn't good with a knife so maybe she could be better with a bow and arrow. They checked if the coast was clear and collected their bags. Selena was infuriated on how easily they got their bags. There were no traps or hazards- nothing! She stood up and shot an arrow and them. It passed by both of their heads and Rosie almost screamed. "They're watching us!" Rosie started walking away from the location of where the arrow came from, but Giovanni started running towards it.

Jinx stood up. "Selena, this is a terrible idea. I'm not going to stand here like this, we're acting like bait." Jinx stood up and walked away. Selena didn't move. Giovanni grabbed out his dagger, which was shiny, but is now stained with blood. Selena's arrows were covered with blood as well, and some of which were already used, stabbed into trees, and even corpses.

Selena heard him running over and prepared her bow. As Giovanni lunged onto Selena, she rolled away and Giovanni's knife plunged into the hard dirt. Selena aimed her bow and shot Giovanni, now weaponless, and hit him right in the area of the scapula. Giovanni screamed and tried to resist. Giovanni noticed he was weaponless and kicked Selena away to grab his knife. Giovanni pinned her against a tree and put his knife up to her neck. Selena attempted to break free, but it was no use. She looked up at the sun. The trees acted as an umbrella to shade a large fraction of the arena. A small glimmer of light peered through the branches and leaves of the tree and sparkled right on Selena eyes. Tiny crystal liquid was falling from her face. Giovanni smirked. "Any last words?"

All of a sudden, Jinx got him from behind and punched him in the back of the head. He fell to the ground. "Jinx!!!" Selena hugged him. "Oh, Jinx... You saved my life. I love you." Jinx smiled. "I... I l- love you too." Without thinking, Jinx blurted, "let's get our bags before it's too late." As they both came back, bags in hand, Giovanni was gone.

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