Day 4

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Selena woke up to a loud noise. "What the fuck?..." She whispered, looking around. Jinx was still asleep. She walked around the area... Until someone grabbed her from behind. Choking her. The figure took out a knife and held it against her neck. Too dark to see, Selena flailed her leg around and kicked the figure in the ankle, causing them to fall down. She reached over for her bow and aimed- but the figure was gone. The knife brought against her neck cut her slightly. She fell on her knees, gasping for air.

Perrie and Giovanni had taken shelter in the cave. Giovanni's back was hurting an awful lot. "Giovanni... Are you okay?" She asked him. "No... I feel like I was stabbed." He replied. "Well, we're you stabbed?!" "I-I don't remember..." Perrie lifted up the back of his shirt. There it was. A giant, bloody gash across his back. "You are cut!" Perrie squealed. "Here, I'll heal you with my powers..." She tried to heal, but it didn't work. "Do you mean... I'm not allowed to use my angelic powers?" "I think this arena forbids any supernatural powers... But it's okay. I'll deal with it." He stood up. "I'm going out. Are you going to go out today?" "I don't know..." Perrie replied, looking away. "Am I holding you back?" "No... Perrie... Don't think that." Giovanni said, grabbing his knife. "Stay safe." He said, and departed. Perrie sighed and stayed in the darkness of the cave.

The sun rose and the dead tributes were shown on the screen.

Emily had climbed up to the top of a tall tree the previous night. "I can see everything up here..." She said quietly. "Can I stay up here until this ends?... How many people are still alive?" "Eleven!" Someone yelled. "Huh?" Emily looked down. She saw Oral with a giant blade... Cutting the tree down. "Soon to be ten..." She called, and Emily quickly started to climb down the tree. Eventually Oral moved away and the tree slowly fell towards the ground. Emily had barely been able to jump to another tree while this one was falling. Oral was about to cut down this tree, but Emily started shooting arrows from her bow. Oral tried running, but her ankle was slightly wounded. She limped to safety.

Rosie and Morpheus were walking together. Little glimmers of sunlight beamed through the trees' leaves and branches, which shined on the two. "Do you want me to kill a bird for you? I bet you're hungry." Morpheus stated. "No, I'm good... I'd never eat an animal... Ever. And killing any living thing just doesn't seem right to me. B-but thanks." After walking a bit more, Rosie heard rustling from a bush. "Wh-what was that?!" Rosie got closer to Morpheus, and he put his arm around her waist. "I'll protect you." The bush stopped rustling, and out appeared Nathaniel. Nathaniel had leaped out of the bush and stabbed Morpheus in the chest. Morpheus fell to the ground and Nathaniel raised his arm to stab him once more and complete the job. However, Rosie, with two hands on her knife, impaled Nathaniel's head, leaving a bloody mess. Nathaniel fell down, completely still. "Morpheus... Morpheus!" Rosie went on both knees. Tears fell from her eyes. "I can't lose you... I can't lose you!!!" She examined his wound. Morpheus slowly reached out his hand and put her hair behind her ear. "It's ok.... It's ok..." He whispered. "No... It's not ok! It's not!" She sniffled. "I love you..." Morpheus whispered again. Rosie hesitantly kissed him on the lips, and Morpheus put his arm around her. Footsteps kept getting closer and closer. Someone was there. It was Theodore. Theodore looked at his twin brother... At his stiff, lifeless body. He then looked over at Rosie and Morpheus. All three had tears in their eyes. "Theodore... I can explain... It wasn't my fault!" Rosie tried to explain, but Theodore aimed his blade right at Rosie. Right before he threw it, someone behind him violently gashed him towards the ground. It was Giovanni. Giovanni was breathing heavily, and Rosie said nothing, but stared at him with her teary eyes. Giovanni stared at her for a bit, then walked away. Rosie then looked over at the two twins. Both dead. Their hands were touching, as if they were holding hands. Was that a coincidence, or?... And then she looked over at Morpheus, who was trying his best to keep his eyes open. He kept caressing her hair, and telling her it was going to be okay... Until he couldn't anymore.

Avril walked over to the cave and noticed a trap that was made. "I don't care who made this. I'm going to take this over." She cut the wire of the trap and placed it somewhere else. "I'm sure this will get someone."

Selena was crying with her head lying on a tree. "The person grabbed me.... They grabbed me... Trying to kill me...
And I have no idea who it was..." She was breathing heavily. Jinx awkwardly tried to comfort her. He patted her on the back. "There, there...?" He didn't know what to do! "I'm becoming insane..." She whispered. "What do you mean by 'becoming'?" Jinx said quietly. "... And nobody better stand in my way."

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