Day 7

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Giovanni woke up and smiled. He wasn't puffy anymore and his vision was good again. He woke up still on the canopy, which was a good sign. He saw Rosie, with a giant gash on her right arm. She would be fine, but it definitely caused a lot of damage. She was left handed, so it wasn't really a problem anyways.
"Ah, you're better." Rosie said. She was happy that he was better, but she wasn't smiling, nor was she looking at him. "The leaves were genetically modified poison ivy. It's like poison ivy, but two to three times worse. Water is actually a great way to make the puffiness go away quicker." Rosie had a hand crafted bowl filled with water next to her. Giovanni smirked. "Thanks Rosie. Hey, where is-" Rosie interrupted him. "Just please, stay calm."

Selena was covered with mud. She had laid on the ground for the night. She was tired, hungry, dehydrated, soar, alone. She had been searching for Jinx the entire night. "Jinx... Jinx! Please!" Selena was crawling, still looking for him. She finally gave up. She hugged her knees and cried. She knew she had messed up.

Oral smirked from the treetops. "Looks like everyone's splitting apart. Giovanni is hopeless. Also, Selena and Jinx are split. And Rosie in the final 5? What a threat. This will be way too easy."

"Rosie... Tell me." Giovanni started to get more aggravated every time Rosie ignored his question. "Rosie... Where. Is. Perrie." Rosie wasn't looking at Giovanni the entire time. Eventually, she turned around, eyes filled with tears. She didn't say anything, but Giovanni knew- she was dead.

Oral knew it was her time. She was stalking the two from a distance, and waited for the right time. Eventually, she lunged out, landing on the canopy. She quickly kicked Giovanni away and pinned Rosie down on the ground, holding the dagger against her neck. "Aw, are you upset? First your boyfriend is dead, and now your best friend too. It's unfortunate. And if I don't kill you, eventually Giovanni will get rid of the dead weight- you." Rosie struggled, but it was obviously no use at all. Oral laughed and moved the knife a little more down into her throat. "Say goodbye." Oral smirked, and as she was about to bring the knife down into Rosie's neck, Giovanni stabbed her with his knife. "Goodbye," Giovanni said, until he started screaming like a mad man. After every word he screamed, he stabbed Oral to let his anger out. "THIS... IS WHAT... YOU... FUCKING... GET!" Blood splattered out after every time he brought the knife into her body; the canopy looked like it was painted with red polka dots.

Giovanni grabbed the corpse with his messy, bloody hands, and threw it off the canopy.

Tiny clear droplets hit the ground as Selena tried to think of how life would be without Jinx. She felt like she wanted to kill herself. After crying for the past hour, she sat down, laying her head against a tree, and stared up at the dark sky, the stars shining down on her. "I'm sorry, Jinx..." She said one last time. "... It's okay." A voice said, and Selena looked up and saw Jinx standing in front of her. Selena flew into his arms, and never wanted to let go.

The last 4 contestants spent their night peacefully; until there will be one left standing tomorrow.

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