Day 2

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"Mason... Mason!" Rosie called out. Where was he? Rosie had just seen him a bit before midnight last night. It was 7:00 in the morning now. "Mason!" She called louder. She looked behind a tree, only to realize Mason had hung himself of one of the branches.

Nathaniel wrapped bandages around Avril's foot. "You stay here, okay?" He looked at Avril, then stared at Theodore. "You. Don't screw anything up." He barked, and Theodore glared at him, but did nothing. "I'm going to get some shit to eat, maybe kill a few people if I can..." He marched away without hearing Avril calling him. "I hope he will be safe." Avril said to Theodore.

Oral and Maikki were sitting on top of a branch, looking for where they should go next. "What I think would be most efficient would to go somewhere on the outer area of the grasslands to get a good look around, however in the trees to-" Oral interrupted him. "You know what sucks? Knowing who's going to die next." Maikki watched a bird they flew to a near branch. "And who will that be?" "... You." Directly after, the part of the branch Maikki was sitting on broke, and he fell to the ground. Luke heard this and stabbed him.

While in the cave, Perrie had tears falling from her face. "What's wrong?" Giovanni asked her, coming to her side. "Jenni's dead! I saw her! I saw her... I was going to get some berries and I saw that someone stabbed her... I shouldn't have let her leave!" "Don't blame this on yourself." Giovanni kissed her cheek, and Perrie sniffled. He wiped her tears away, and she stared into her eyes. He pressed his lips against hers, and Perrie brought him against the ground, both removing clothes in the process...

Enos had reached the border of the battlegrounds, isolated from the rest. "He's on the border. Should I stop him?" A worker said to his boss while looking at a video of Enos. He nodded, and fire started to flare right in front of Enos, nearly engulfing him in flames.

It was getting dark, and Emily was staring at the sky. "I'm scared." She alerted to Luke. "Don't be. We'll be okay." He replied, yawning. "I-I'm cold..." She said, and before he could reply, she was laying on his chest.

Morpheus put his arm around Rosie. "It wasn't your fault... He did it to himself." "I could have saved him. I could've stayed with him to make sure he was alright! But he's dead!" Rosie replied. "Hey..." He kissed her cheek. "It's going to be okay..."

Rihito smirked, and saw the campsite that Selena, Jinx, and Ariel were settled at. "Jackpot." He smirked. He overheard their conversation. "So, Jinx..." Selena was saying, "Do you realllyyy love me?" Ariel giggled and looked at Jinx, and he looked around awkwardly before his response. "Uhhhhh-" before he could reply, Rihito decided to jump out, stabbing Jinx. Rihito was going to go for a second stab, but Selena shot him in a head with an arrow.

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