Day 3

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The sun had risen.

Rihito had clearly died by the arrow shot through his head by Selena. However... Jinx... He was stabbed in the leg by Rihito the previous night. Looking pretty bad.

"Jinx... Jinx!" Selena screamed, tears running through her eyes. "Please- don't leave me. Don't leave me!" Selena sniffled, above his wounded body. Ariel crawled over too, crying as well. "We believe in you, Jinx..." Ariel added. Jinx was unresponsive, but still breathing. "I love you..." Selena said, before crying into his chest.

The death screen came on, revealing Mason, Maikki and Rihito dead.

Perrie woke up, realizing she was sleeping on top of a shirtless Giovanni. She got up and stretched. Giovanni woke up not late after and winked at her, smirking. Perrie smiled, but eventually frowned. "I miss Jenni..." She weeped, and he embraced her. "It's not your fault... And eventually... It may happen to us too." He put on his shirt, grabbing his favorite knife. "I'm heading out. Maybe you can reunite with Rosie and she'll keep you company, okay?" He said. Then he departed.

Rosie woke up, and leaped off the branch she had gotten comfortable on. "Wake up, silly." She said, tapping Morpheus' arm. He woke up, smiling. "I'm glad we both made it this far... I couldn't have made it without you." Rosie hugged him. "I'm glad that I have you... because if I didn't, I would've been long gone without you..." She stared into his eyes. That made him smile. Eventually, she got up and grabbed a bag of berries. "I'm going to visit Perrie and some of my friends, is that alright?" "Be safe." He replied.

Theodore arose to Avril unwrapping her wound, seeming to be healed. Theodore smiled, realizing that it had been cured. Nathaniel returned from his trek. "We must be far from everyone. I haven't spotted anyone." "Well, that's bad." Avril replied. "I'm going to try and get someone now because I'm healed!" He smiled at her before she left. He looked over at Theodore. "Why didn't you create the trap like I told you? We needed it! Are you serious?!?!" Theodore jumped up and started assembling the trap. "That's what I thought! You know, Theodore, sometimes you're just completely useless." Theodore walked over to him angrily, shoving him. Nathaniel, now on the ground, started to cry. "Theodore... I'm sorry... I just wanted to keep you safe... Because I care about you. And we're both most likely going to die. I don't want that happening to you..." Theodore started crying as well, and he hugged him. After a while, they built the trap together. Theodore went for a walk afterwards.

Ariel was walking alone, looking for wood to create a fire. It was getting really cold as the sun was setting. As she walked around a tree, Giovanni appeared behind her, grabbed her neck, choking her. She squealed and tried to get help, but it was no use. With him choking her, it was impossible. He quickly took his knife out and slit her throat.

Rosie also heard footsteps approaching her. Who was it? It was dark now, too dark to see the face of a person charging at her. She ran away, accidentally running into Theodore. "Sorry Theodore. Someone was chasing me!" He nodded and carved into a tree, 'you better go. My brother will kill you.' She nodded, and ran into Perrie's and Giovanni's hiding spot. They all embraced through the cold.

Enos was hiding on the border of the arena, trying to create a plan. He was severely hurt by the fire they spawned near him the day before. Avril, now completely healed spotted Enos and threw her knife out at him. It missed. Enos, now prepared, took his knife and threw it back. It missed. Enos was completely unarmed. But Avril was prepared. She took her second knife and stabbed him. He fell and bled out.

Morpheus and Oral were fighting. He gashed her in the arm, only to cause her too flee. He decided to finally rest for the night, staring at the almost full moon. 'Where was Rosie?' He thought. He couldn't stop thinking about her, causing him to be restless for the night.

Emily woke up from her sleep, realizing she slept on Luke's chest. Luke was already awake, and winked at her. She blushed. "Hey, Emily, can I tell you something?..." "Of course. You can tell me anything." She replied. He took a deep breath. "I-I really like you, Emily... I wish we could be together, outside of the games. I hope you feel the same way." Emily stood up, and looked away. "I feel the same way too, Luke..." Luke, eyes widened, stood up and walked towards her. She turned around, and they tried to hug, but the controllers of the arena summoned fire in between them, burning Luke. "Luke! No!" Emily screamed, bursting into tears. All that was heard was the screams of Luke getting burnt to death, eventually being silenced into nothing.

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