Sports Festival begins

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Over the 2 weeks of preparation for the sports festival Class 1A was introduced to people they would be against.

First they met Hitoshi Shinso, A boy with purple haired boy and sleep deprived eyes he was unable to get onto the Hero course and is currently in General studies of U.A., but if people like Shinso prove themselves at the Sports festival they would be considered being transferred onto the Hero course. 

Next was Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu from Class 1B a boy with Silver hair and pointy teeth simular to Kirishima and said to Class 1A not to "get full of yourself!" after beating the villains at USJ. 

Uraraka after school had met with her best friend Deku after School, She never really got the chance to hang out after the USJ incident.

"Uraraka are you alright?? I never got the chance to talk to you since that villain attack and i tried calling you after the attack and never got an answer and-" Izuku mumbles where interrupted by Uraraka. 

"Deku-Kun, Im alright see?" Uraraka put her arms out to show she is alright. 

"But why didn't you call?" Izuku questioned.

"I- erh sorta broke my arm using my quirk and was getting healed up afterwards" Uraraka said awkwardly which surprised Izuku. 

"B-But you said you where completely fine?" Izuku asked. 

"Well im fine now and my arm wasn't as broken as it was before" Uraraka reassures her Best Friend.

"That's Great and your only just started U.A.!!! Imagine you by the end of the year with where you can control your power and do awesome punches like All Might!" Izuku used his imagination to imagination to imagine Uraraka in a All Might costume but stopped after thinking Uraraka in a skin tight All Might costume causing him to blushing alot. 

"Deku-Kun, are you alright?" 

"O-Oh Y-Yeah" Izuku came back to real life. 

"The Sports festival is coming in 2 weeks" Uraraka said. 

"Oh yeah! the sports festival! I cant wait to see it! My mom got 2 tickets for the sports festival and I can see you in action!" Izuku said excitedly. 

"Wow ill keep an eye on the audience to see if i can see you" Uraraka says. 

Time passed and the fated day was here.

In the class 1A waiting room everyone was getting prepared and talking.

Mina was bummed out when they couldn't wear there hero costumes to be fair to everyone.

Then Todoroki walked towards Uraraka "Huh what is it Todoroki?" Uraraka questioned her classmate. 

"Looking at things objectively, Im better then you. while your strength enhancement part of your quirk is powerful on paper as displayed at the USJ when you activated your quirk its a glass canon while my Ice doesn't come with such repercussions" Todoroki said seriously. 

"Huh? Yeah...What about it"  Uraraka said confused at the sudden tension, Todoroki was mostly silent throughout class so its strange that he started such a weird conversation.

"All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he? I'm not trying to pry about that. But I'm going to beat you" Todoroki saw the connection between Uraraka and All Might's quirk and wanting to proof himself to his father against this All Might's potential protege or....Daughter? Todoroki hasn't completely solved the whole All Might-Uraraka thing. 

"Hey, hey, hey! Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden?Not now, The festival about to start!" Kirishima split the two. 

Todoroki walked away and Uraraka was left confused, 'What was that about?' Uraraka thought.

All the students then began to arrive at the stadium.

"Hey!Pay attention, audience! Swarm, mass media!This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the U.A. sports festival, is about to begin! Everybody, are you ready?! It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage!" Present Mic said.

The Students step out of the tunnel and into the Sports festival stadium with everyone amazed by the amount of people present, Uraraka knew Deku was in the crowd somewhere. 

"They haven't been getting as much airtime, but this class is also full of talent! Class 1B!" Present Mic introduced Class 1B to the crowd. 

"Next up, general studies Classes C, D, and E! Support course, Classes F, G, and H are here, too! And business course, Classes I, J, and K! All of U.A.'s first-years are here now!" Present Mic introduces the other classes. 

When everyone was here Katuski Bakugo of all people went to represent Class 1A. 

"I pledge... that I'll be number one." Bakugo said not caring what anybody says.

"I knew he'd do that!!" The rest of Class 1A felt embarrasses that Bakugo was the one representing them now every class will hate them even more...

"Now, let's get started right away, The first game is what you'd call a qualifier!" the 18+ hero Midnight said.

"Guess U.A.'s moto is doing everything "Right away", huh?" Uraraka said remembering her first day at U.A. 

The first event was going to be a obstacle course race where all 11 classes would participate in the race, this was going to be interesting to say the least. 

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