The Semi-Finals

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The Semi finals begin with Uraraka going up against Tokoyami who had defeated Yaoyorozu in the previous round.

"LET THE MATCH BEGIN!" Yelled Present Mic.

Tokoyami started on the offence summoning Dark Shadow to attack Uraraka who barley dodged in time.

"Take this!" Uraraka yells performing a delaware smash against Tokoyami to gain some distance between eachother.

'Tokoyamis quick is strong, I dont know how I can beat him' Uraraka thinks 'Wait..back at the cavalry battle he told me his quirk is sensative to light! I got an idea' Uraraka smirks and activates her float quirk.

"Hey Tokoyami! catch me if you can" Uraraka taunts and dodges Tokoyamis incoming attacks.

"Will you take this seriously!" Tokoyami says a bit annoyed.

Uraraka flies further up into the sky forcing Tokoyami and Dark Shadow to look up in the sky.

"Hope you dont mind a little sunburn!" Uraraka shouts as the bright sun stuns the two causing Dark Shadow to shrinken in size and power. 

'Now is my chance!' Uraraka told herself then performing a delaware smash sending Tokoyamai straight out of bounds.


Uraraka sighs in relief, Thank god it was a sunny day or she would have had a much harder time getting Tokoyami out of the ring.

The next round is Shoto Todoroki going against Tenya Iida and while Iida tries his best he stands no match for the son of Endevour.

Meanwhile Uraraka worries in the stands that she will be going against Todoroki afterall.

"Uraraka?" Said a familiar voice.

"Deku! I saw you in the stands" Uraraka greets her friend from near by.

"Yeah you were so awesome! espically when you started flying! Do you know how you did that?" Izuku fanboyed.

"Well erh I guess my quirk has evolved alot during the festival" Uraraka lied, She didnt want to do that especially to Izuku but she has to keep One for All a secret!

"Your fighting Todoroki next round arent you?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah..he has been acting different ever since the sports festival started" Uraraka explains to Izuku.

"Hmmm....Mabye he wants to live up to his fathers expectations" Izuku thinks.

"Yeah mabye.." Uraraka replies.

"Speaking of witch..Why hasnt he used his fire this entire time? If he really wants to impress his Father than he wouldnt hold back" Izuku says.

"Yeah now that you say it he hasnt used his fire this entire he is afraid too" Uraraka thinks.

"Mabye you can ask him before you fight him and see whats going on" Midoriya explains.

"Hmm mabye.." Uraraka guesses while looking at Todoroki leaving the ring.

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