Chapter 1

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Act 1 scene 1 dialogue.

"Everyone get on the ground now." Said a woman firing a gun into the air causing everyone to panic and drop to the ground. As the store clerk hit's a button underneath their desk signaling for the police to arrive. As the perpetrators begin busting inside the glass cases stealing all that jewelry. As police sirens and lights flash down the road screeching to the location. Suddenly two unidentified figures begin running across the rooftop to the bank. Arriving as the police surround the bank.

Meanwhile at the institute for research of advancements in medical arts and science across from the I research institute for research and education to advance community health.

A woman walks up to a podium standing before a crowd of 30 people. "Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming. As I would like to speak about a great accomplishment that we have made here in this institute. We have created an energy source that is more capable enough to make nuclear energy seem obsolete. And make other energy efficient technology and efficient compared to what we have accomplished. With the tragedy of '16 leaving a lot of bodies behind it it has also given us a great opportunity to start again. And by harnishing its energy we can bring about a new golden age and we will do a test run to see how well it can do within the city." Said the woman as many scream her name trying to talk to her.

"Miss Kimberly Hines." Said the crowd trying to get an interview with her.

Meanwhile back at the bank (Columbia Bank)

With having stolen most of the jewelry and cash from the store. The criminals take a guy as his kids screen for him the guy tells them that it's going to be all right as they hold the gun to his head and take him outside. The police stare back as the standoff that is now happening as they scream to them to go release the hostage however instead one of the members of criminals opens fire on the police causing them to duck behind their vehicles. And then one of the criminal screams at the police.

"One wrong move and he dies, you follow us he dies, you fired at us he dies." Said the criminal as they go inside of their vehicle and head down the street at the kiddie academy of Bellevue. As the criminals laugh inside of the car one of the figures on the rooftop jumps down zipping through the sky with lightning around themselves going into a single streak of light. As they go throughout the sky and they suddenly materialize in a flash of light on top of the car with lightning flashing and striking it.

The criminal at the wheel jerks the car in fright. At the site of the figure on top of the hood of the speeding vehicle. Suddenly the criminal in the passenger seat grabs their pistol and begins to open fire at the figure on top of the hood of their car however before they can get shots off the hero jumps off of the car with lightning striking the hood and landing behind them. The criminals think that they have gotten away however the hero raises their right arm. And creates electricity in their hand and shuts down the engine of the vehicle with a surge. Causing the car to stop and jerk immediately as the criminals begin to panic as the driver looks into their side mirror seeing the hero approach.

The criminal takes out their assault rifle and begins to open fire freely on the hero. As the hero just ignites the electricity from their body making the bullets drop to the ground when they get close to him and grabbing bullets that have gone out of their way from striking other people. The hero then raises their left arm and points their index finger at the criminal shooting them with a bolt of lightning slamming them into the car door ripping it off.

One of the criminals in the passenger seat watches us all this happens and takes off their seatbelt inside of the van and begins to run down the street cutting into the alleyway with a bag of jewelry. And throws one of the bags behind the dumpster. As the other hero on the rooftop gives chase. The other criminals inside of the back of the van begins panic as they get out holding the hostage threatening the man towards the hero.

The Planet Of Fallen Heroes: Chapters (GL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora