Chapter 15

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Episode 15 act 1 scene one dialogue

Suddenly the elevator that they are in stops as it checks for a second as Ava looks around as the elevator camera lights up green again and she waves her hand for De to follow her.

As the two make their way over to Abigail's office De notices that Ava walks with not the confidence that she once had as her back and muscles are tightened and heightened levels of stress as they make it their way through the laboratory. And when they finally make it into Abigail's office Ava relaxes as she tries to go keep herself steady as even Isabel looks on concerned and confused about what's happening.

"Is anybody going to go tell me what the hell is going on." Said Isabel frustrated with everything that's going on with the secrecy amongst them all.

"We have been lying to you all. Miss Kimberly, I'm so sorry." Said Ava with tears in her eyes. "She has been experimenting on people since 2016 and when she started making headway with her company in 2017 liquidating and taking all of the hero organizations tech and assets in Seattle. She has killed 56,880 people confirmed however that total could actually be 57,500 people in actuality not even talking about all the stuff that she did appearing as Pamela." Said Ava as she shows the two heroes all the information that she has gone over as the heroes look shocked at what they see.

"We have been lying to you about the amount of DPTI soldiers that we had I knew about that. I didn't know about the extent of the other experiments. I knew about them I was undertaking one of them that's how I got to know about Kimberly because she approached me about it. But I don't know what happened to the others and when I talk to Abigail and one of the other initiates who had powers of psychic control I knew I had to go talk to one of them and I had grabbed Melody as well because she had magical powers just in case she did something to us and it unlocks something in my mind and she has been killing thousands and I didn't know swear I didn't know." Said Ava as tears fall from her eyes and she waves her hands around the others bleeding to them as the tablet shows a kid convulsing on the table dying.

"We have got to get rid of her and remove her." Said Isabel making her way to the door however Abigail grabs her and Ava moves in front of her with De looking at the tablet still to shocked at seeing what's happening and she thinks to what Eliza would have went through had it went differently at the gala.

"You can't, I had to go swear Melody and the others to secrecy that knew. She has her own heroes coming in with Jameson helping her her in the director they grabbed heroes from up North and they told them about her plans and some of the DPTI leaders are in it too the other captains know except for the ones that she hasn't told Dwight Natasha and the others with us they don't know what's going on the ones that you that she has specifically chosen to associate with you they don't know but the others that she has at her command they've known for years and she has a willing guard doing it." Said Ava as Isabel glare's down at Ava however directing all of her hate and all of her rage at the screams that she hears from the tablet that are suddenly silence with Washington's voice going over the line.

Suddenly alarms are heard ringing out of the building as DPTI soldiers we can making their way throughout the floor yelling that there is a gas leak in that everyone needs to evacuate the building. Causing the others to rush out and leave as Ava looks shocked at what's happening runs out with De, isabel, Abigail running after her as Ava goes to face the DPTI soldiers.

"What's going on!" Said Ava screaming at the soldier as black smoke begins to erupt from the ceiling of the floor of their building.

"There's a gas leak ma'am I need everyone to head outside Ms Kimberly Hines is handling the situation right now everyone on this floor needs to evacuate." Said the soldier as the woman forces them and the others to head outside as she threatens to use lethal Force against them if they do not remove themselves from the premises or they will get injured or worse.

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