Chapter 6

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Episode 6 act 1 scene 1 dialogue

January 10th of 2020. The day starts just like any other as the past 10 days have been very fulfilling for the heroes of the new year. As De gets up from her bed grumbling and she removes her sheets and goes to put on her clothes as she moves to the closet to go get her business suit and head towards the bathroom to change she is startled by Isabel who was already getting ready.

"What the f***. Oh my goodness." Said De I seen jumps back startled as Isabel looks at her from the bathroom with her toothbrush hanging in her mouth as she stands in front of the mirror with nothing on except for her bra and pants as she goes to put on her shirt showing off muscle.

"You all right." Said Isabel slightly gurgled by the sound of toothpaste as she spits it out and looks back towards De as she puts her toothbrush up.

"Oh I'm fine I'm just surprised to see you up this early." Said De as she finally looks back towards Isabel who has now put on one of the layers of the business uniform that all the people of the institute get for working there. Isabel puts on the final layer of the outfit she turns quickly towards De with a big and bright smile on her face reflecting with the light inside of the bathroom.

"Well I got a reason to get up early this morning. We got to go to work right." Said Isabella as she claps the shoulder of De as she walks out of the bathroom area leaving it open for her and she goes throughout the room looking for her keys.

De notices the chipper mood that Isabel is in as she finishes everything that she has to do within the bathroom as well coming out of it with a comb going through her hair. "

"Yeah that's true." Said De as she looks for her own keys however Isabel gives her a soda and a Rice krispie treat.

"I was thinking that we could both drive into work today." Said Isabel as she goes to the door and puts on her shoes with De holding her items rolling her eyes at Isabel and heading to the door as well.

"Well I can drive myself." Said De however Isabel chuckles at her.

"Well then do you know where you put your key?" Said Isabel as De remembers how she was wearing her work pants and had her key inside of them when she was fighting in the streets and with the damage to her own clothing her keys probably fell out somewhere during the fight in downtown.

"S*** biscuits." Said De with her head down and she heads outside the door.

"I thought so." Said Isabel as she closes their apartment door locking it with her key as she heads to her car as they pull out of emerald ridge they drive towards downtown to the research center.

At the research institute in downtown Seattle

Having parked once again at the 24-hour fitness center in arriving inside the building. De notices elizabeth, joseph, carol, Jacob, Katrina as they stand inside the lobby of the building talking to one another about certain forms that they had to get through during the day. As they all talk to one another Katrina turns around when Elizabeth hooks her shoulder pointing out to her with her eyes that De is in the lobby now.

De notices that her entrance has caught the eye of Katrina as she waves to her as De waves slightly back nervously at the woman who has caught her eye. This causes De to want to get away from the situation at hand moving almost away out of sight from the group however Isabel grabs her and shoves her in their direction as De stumbles forward glaring at her mentor who shrugs that off and waves at the group and heads to go over to the reception desk where she sees Ava.

"Fuck." Said the hero underneath their breath as they look up towards the group of friends who amusingly watch the whole entire situation and knowing how nervous she looks in the face they all leave Katrina by herself as De walks over to her.

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