Chapter 13

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Episode 13 act 1 scene one dialogue

In the moonlit night of Seattle. The police and vigilantes chase after a speeding black armored vehicle that seems to shimmer in and camouflage itself by its reflective surface. As the policeman that chases after it drives up closer with the other police cruisers trying to catch up behind them. Valiant punches her arm out of the side of the vehicle and grabs onto a stop sign ripping it out of the ground as they drive past it. She lifts stop sign pole up and flicks the end of it forward in her hand and throws it into the armored vehicle. Ramming right through the metal and causing it to blow apart at the speed and force of valiants throw. Destroying camouflage effect around the armor. However the vehicle is still able to move as they seem to enhance their own vehicle just like the police fan as Tia keeps on pouring in her magical power to keep up with the energized vehicle. Suddenly lightning streaks across the sky and slams into the hood of the car zapping away all the power and energy from it. And causing the card to flip around in the air for a while then land violently in the middle of the street. As the police and vigilantes get out of the vehicle they begin to look around at what had probably caused the lightning and soon see De as she jumps off the building next to them. As the officers and a couple of other vigilantes secure the scene Valiant walks up towards De and offers the hero her hand. As De looks at it for a couple of seconds but then decides to go shake it.

"Thanks for the assist. Caught a couple of people trying to go breaking into one of the compounds where we stored most of these vehicles I guess this is just another attempt again or just a little petty theft at best." Said Valiant as De agrees with that assessment as they begin to pull the people out of the vehicle and throw them inside of the police cruisers.

Meanwhile in the city of Spokane in Seattle bordering the state of Montana

A mansion sits upon the hilly area of Dishman hills. Guards stationed around the mansion with cloaked figures in and outside of the building stand firm. With Roberta, Perez, Pamela sitting around at the table and watching the news of what happened in Seattle and begin to smirk at the news another criminal attack being stopped by the heroes and law enforcement. Suddenly Cobain and traveler enter the room with Morgan. And before Cobain can open her mouth Perez interrupts her.

"Our guests have arrived." Said Perez as she motions for Cobain to come to her as Cobain begins to use magic to look like the psychic user. As traveler goes behind Perez he teleports both of them away unto the rooftop of the mansion. As a large group of cloaked figures wait on top of it and they soon see vehicles begin to park in their entryway as their guards begin to open up the gate for an even larger convoy that begins to arrive.

"They sure are pissed at us." Said traveler chuckling slightly at the site of the multiple cars that begins to park as many men and women begin to walk angrily in front of their guards entering into the mansion.

"Where the hell are you, you fucking bitch." Said one of the women in white suits she walks up angrily towards Pamela as the other members in white suits also move forward but stand back as Roberta and Cobain appearing as Perez steps forward between them with guards as both sides begin to square up with their guards.

"Meredith." Said Pamela in a happy tone as she is slapped across the face and Meredith goes to punch her this time instead however her fist is caught by Pamela.

"Now that's just not nice." Said Pamela as she holds onto Meredith's hand. As Meredith tries to go take her hand back she begins to jerk back using the full force of her body to try and make Pamela release her however it is all in vain.

"You know you should be careful how you throw things you might not know when you might lose it." Said Pamela has she increases her strength and here's the crack of Meredith's bones causing Meredith to screech in pain as she begins to go out with energy in her left hand and tries to throw a punch into Pamela side causing the other white suited criminals to get cocky when they see the sign of Meredith's power and begins to attack the others however they are soon taken out by Cobain and Roberta and cloaked figures that begin to teleport within the room taking out most of the armed guards of the white clothes criminals and killing a couple of the white suited criminals in the process. However Pamela does not move from the hit and just continues to look into the eyes of Meredith and crushes her hand more causing Meredith to plead to Pamela to let go of her hand.

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