Chapter 10

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Episode 10 act 1 scene 1 dialogue

"All right ladies and gentlemen listen up." Said Miss Kimberly Hines as they all stand around at mission deck level 13 of the building. As the time on the clock reads 3:43 p.m. the heroes and the DPTI lieutenants watch as Miss Ava pulls up satellite footage of the Tacoma area.

"Our satellite imaging has picked up multiple criminals of high priority centered around this area of Tacoma parkland. These aren't just your regular criminals here these are higher than your average gang we're dealing with Mafia level players of high connections. Some of which are in parts of leagues in the outside area and are not really in the higher table amongst them but are very important financial backers. Most of which I fear are probably out of our league so this will be a joint operation once again with the SCPS forces who will be bringing in heavier reinforcements and firepower." Said Miss Kimberly Hines as the Director of the SCPS forces begins to talk as his facial image shows up on the computer screen that enlarges to show him on webcam with co-director Miranda.

"Thank you Miss Kimberly hopefully with our combined forces we will be able to put a stop to these criminals once and for all. However before we can hit up the main target you all will be reinforced by some of my finest agents and their platoons as the other SCPS forces will be directly engaging the criminal supplies and equipment that they have stashed around the city making sure that they don't get any reinforcements that can rapidly come to their location. The police will have boats on ground and helicopters in the sky with cruisers patrolling the streets however they won't know anything until I call in the lieutenant. However he and the chief know that we are going to be hitting hard tonight to not alert the criminals of our presence." Said director Jameson as he goes over the majority of the tactics that he will deploy.

"Do we have eyes inside of that building. Or anybody scoping out that area discreetly if you have your best agents on the job." Said De as Dwight also not his head along in agreement with De's assessment of the plan.

"Negative captains if we had people on ground they might become suspicious of who they are and who they might be which is why there aren't really any police cruisers inside the area or just making it seem like a normal day which does put us at a tactical disadvantage when it comes to information on who's coming in or out we're going to have to rely on cameras with inside the area near the Tacoma yacht club. But knowing our enemies we could be dealing with hundreds which is why I'm bringing in recruits just like yours initiates that can make one person seem like an army of thousands." Said director Jameson. As everyone thinks over this. Isabel looks towards Ava and Kimberly.

"Are the initiates prepared for such an operation they are still rusty. I would prefer if you all could hand pick who could come especially if they have criminals just like Jane and that other one who almost took out a whole city by themselves just by using their powers we're going to have to either go in hard and fast , or stealthy if we want to either catch them off guard. Or hit them hard when they have their pants down when we take out the other facilities." Said Isabel as the DPTI lieutenants also agree on the matter.

"The commander is kind of right there miss Kimberly. We have been training the initiates while off mission for the past month however I don't think that they're going to be ready for an operation like this just yet it might just be better to go with the original initiates as the others provide support from the back just in case." Said the male lieutenant as his other comrades nod in agreement.

"I do agree with your assessment lieutenant however they are going to have to be ready. With the stockpiles that we found and talking to a lot of the workers that were down there and the other facilities and the ones that were just at the storage warehouses that we have been heading up we have found out that they are planning for something big and they might be our only chance into finding out what that they could in store for the city maybe even the state or States themselves. Just like in Japan, Guatemala, Bolivia, U.K., Nigeria, Norway, Angola, Australia, Australia Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Greece, Estonia, Bhutan, and the areas of Beijing, Hubei, Hunam, Guizhou, Guangxi, in China. Criminals have turned these areas and Nations into safe havens for their own gain since the fall of the hero organization banding together to form their own society where people are always under their rule consolidating all their power into one place. Thankfully the United States hasn't dealt with such a problem yet due to all the leagues trying to kill each other first however they are starting to consolidate with one another into multiple hierarchies where we need to get on top of them first before they spread. And if they wipe us out in Seattle or if we even let them settle for just a single second they are just going to slaughter us all and have their way with all of us. It destroyed the main organizations based in Greenland and in Antarctica now that they're gone they're only picking off each other. Let's not give them time to consolidate to get rid of us." Said Ms Kimberly Hines as they understand the stakes that they are dealing with.

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