Chapter 5

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Episode 5 after 1 scene 1 dialogue

As the two stand before each other for a couple more seconds with Isabel still laughing loudly De shakes her to go tell her to tell her to continue.

"Come on, how can you tell me something if you're just going to keep on laughing." Said De as she watches her mentor be happy for once in a very long time. As Isabel looks to her finally calming down she sits her mentor down on the couch that they have in their headquarters.

"Kid, De, my baby girl." Said Isabella with a smile on her face as De rolls her eyes at her mentor to get on with it.

"There's going to be more of us." Said Isabel causing De to look at her confused as her eyebrows raise at her statement.

"What, do you mean?" Said De confused.

"Well did you know that Miss Kimberly, I mean your boss, is a hero. And she is a genius." Said Isabel as De looks at her shockingly.

"What!" Said De as Isabel gets up from the couch and begins to pace around excitedly talking about her conversation with Kimberly and information about what she does and the portal.

"I mean think about it if they get that thing up and running we finally will have the number advantage. The others can come back and they won't even have to hide anymore. We won't get hunted down by other groups in government officials and get scattered to the wind. We can help people in the city more than what we were even capable of doing. And I can finally stop fixing everything that breaks around here." Said Isabel as she began to laugh loudly. "With a freaking security force behind her back, and her innovation, our powers, and the rest of the new guys that we create we can have this place as a launching point for other heroes and re-establish the organization." Has Isabel list on and on about Kimberly and their plans together De gets very skeptical about her boss and everything that goes along in with this plan.

"Okay I know that you seem very excited about this. Truly I am too however how does she even know about us. How does she even know where we are I know that you said that she has done a lot for the city and working for her I know with our technological database that we have certain access to certain files and public data but to this estimate I highly doubt no way I am very skeptical of her doing all this." Said De as she shows hesitant towards the idea of working with Kimberly.

"I mean we work in very skeptical ways and means even when the organization was up. She just uses those resources and access points to help her industry same way that we did with investigations. And as you had said that she owns a lot of companies in the area and has a lot of data mixed in with other groups so she also has access to other resources and equipment I mean she's helping to go rebuild the city and she's funding a lot of law enforcement agencies and her own off the book just like we did with others. I'm not seeing the big deal about that." Said Isabel trying to counter the arguments with De as her protege still doesn't really agree with it.

"Okay say that that's fine and all but can she really contain the energy from the portal. I mean that thing cost a lot of devastation and if what she said was true about that thing messing with people's DNA if we reawaken it what's to say that it won't cause any unnecessary harm to other people and when it activates how can we be too sure that these people will be willing to be heroes or if they choose not to be I mean we're forcing these people to be who we are not really giving them the choice to decide." Said De as Isabel counters this argument as well too.

"I mean we didn't choose to be born with mutations. If you believe in fate or a deity or the universe if you would like we didn't choose to be put on this planet we didn't choose to be gifted these Powers but what we did with these Powers is what defined us to be who we are and we can give people the same gifts that were given to us if you say that that was a mistake but I see what my predecessors have done what the future generation has done what you have done and I believe that no matter what that there's going to be good people out there that are going to do the right thing even if we're surrounded by people who are willing to go kill us and destroy a city just to go make a quick buck. I know if we both do this together if we both try we can do amazing things so please trust me in doing this trust her." Said Isabel looking her student in the eyes as she looks into those hesitant eyes she sees the small child that faced her once before. And as De looks at her mentor she sees a troubled figure that is walking on the line a desperation however in her eyes sparkling she sees a hint of Hope and determination.

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