Chapter 12

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Episode 12 act 1 scene 1 dialogue

"This is your local news station broadcasting to you live in Seattle. With the previous months giving the city national attention. The police and the SCPS forces with their vigilantes and the used to be unknown DPTI units led by Miss Kimberly Hines and her heroes have been sweeping across the state of Washington delivering Justice for many people. With the death of local crime Lords and the arrest of superpowered criminals and gangs across the state many people are able to sleep safer at night knowing that they will not be kidnapped by a shadowy organization. However with the rise of heroes to meet the occasion against the local criminals in crime Lords many superpowered beings have come to try and take them down however all have been stopped by the successful cooperation and the alliance between all three members and with the DPTI, the SCPS, and the police the crime rate within the city has fallen to nearly 100% the crime rate in the state has fallen to 78%. And knowing that there are men and women standing against the darkness that these criminals try to shroud us in makes a lot of citizens feel braver to face another day. And with another successful capture of facilities held by Schneider and his handlers.Their influence shall no longer plague this city nor this state." Said the news anchor as they finish broadcasting for the day.

As the scene changes showing the various operations that the heroes have gone on and the others on a big wide screen. As it shows the patrols by the heroes and the DPTI units with the officers and other law enforcement agencies in the SCPS forces. As shown on screen De and Isabel in the Hera costumes fighting up against a group of cloaked figures and suddenly Jenkins arrives to help them out in the fight as they take them all down. The next scene changes to that of officers Steven, Clark, with Colton and Alex breaking through a door and finding a ring of drug traffickers inside arresting them after a huge fight broke out within the warehouse with SCPS helicopters flying around with the police officers and Valentine and Ramsey running in with Valiant right behind breaking through the other side of the facility. The next scene changes to that of a huge cruise ship almost sinking into the water and suddenly Quinn and a couple of initiates from the DPTI units arrives to go help them out with Melody overseeing everything using her powers and Cleo as well. The next scene goes to Tia and Tiffin with the Vampire and a couple of other vigilantes with Lucas rushing through the fire that had engulfed an entire building with Dwight running out of it attacking a creature made of fire with Phoenix backing him up in a couple of other DPTI units. The next scene goes to a high-speed criminal trying to rob every single store in the Seattle area with Leslie and a couple of other DPTI initiates rushing and stopping the criminal. The next scene goes to a high-powered criminal trying to go destroy the city using magic and unworldly energy but Isabel, Addison, Valiant, Jane and the others rush in and take them down before they could destroy the city. The the last scene plays out this one showing a current operation with Isabel running across the docks of a port getting shot at and throwing an object across the water as it and suddenly a huge beam of light is fired at her causing De and the other initiates be shocked at the speed and intensity of light that is heading straight at her mentor as the blast sends her flying hundreds of meters into the sky however she is caught by Jenkins and her bees as the initiates, the DPTI units, and the heroes take out the rest of the criminals on scene. As the recording shows the heroes escorting criminals into the police vans and the superpowered one into the SCPS vehicles they all smile to each other at a job well done. And suddenly a loud boom is heard across the city as the new research building had been attacked with the structure standing but most of the top levels of the command Deck had been damaged and some debris from the roof had come down and destroyed a couple of other servers on levels 53 to 54. Injuring a couple of the tech support and command officers on the upper levels however most of that was stopped by miss Kimberly Hines and she used her ability to hold most of the explosion back and holding up the roof of the building with her power however one of the steel metals inside of the building came down on her cutting into her arm and embedding themselves into it.

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