Recycling FYI For North Carolina People

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Question 4 If Bloom had two hours of free time, what would she do with it?

Four boxes were brought, Tecna closed her eyes again as Box 1 was being opened
pillow and toy bed 🛌. That meant Sleep Bloom wasn't the kind of girl to sleep too long. She shook her head. They moved to book two and found a broom, plunger and soap toys inside🧹🪠🧼 it. Tecna shook her head again.

Box 3 there was a laptop, and two phones one smaller than the first. Tecna's new what this represented Social Media. She shook her head at Box three.

She wasn't looking with her eyes, in fact she had even opened them once. 🎮🎳 🛶🚦🛵 Box 4 had a videogame console, bowling ball and bowling pins, a rowing boat or a canoe, and a traffic light with the colors red, yellow and green. Tecna smiled even though these were the realistic life size items you could find all these games digital. Wii sports covers digital bowling balls, rowing races can be found in Sonic and Mario Olympic Games on the Wii, Red Light Green light can be found on My Disney Princess Adventure with Jasmine watching you do it in the Cave of Wonders. Wow! Who knew this would become a Disney child game digitally, and then there's the scooter toy bike a representation of one of the racing vehicles in the Mariokart racing Wii games. She placed her hand on Box 4 without looking.

"She'd played with her friends in those two hours on videogames." Tecna gave her answer.

The whole audience gasped that she got the right answer.

"Alright, Question 5 which pet would Bloom prefer
A. Dog
B. Cat.
C. Snake
D. Horse

Choose the Box she would pick Tecna.

Box 1 dog 🦮
Box 2 cat 🐈
Box 3 snake 🐍
Box 4 horse 🐎

Each of the boxes held a stuffed animal of the real thing.

"Box 2 A cat." Tecna answered again still not opening her eyes. The crowd gasped again how was she doing that just by touch.

"Question 6, what is Bloom's long life dream?

A. To Be Rich and Famous
B. To have kids
C. To Travel around the world
D. To own her dream car

Choose which of the 4 boxes represent this best.
Box 1 🎬📹🎥📷📸💵 There an action tape a recording camera, a camera that was specifically for taking like video film a camera to take shots scene by scene without flash and exact same camera replica only with a flash setting on, and a pile of bound up cash. The cash was the thing that gave away this wasn't the box. Cash is usually made of a combination mixture of cotton and linen fibers. So it was rough.

Tecna shook her head at box number 1.

Box 2

In the next boxes were several cloth dolls of kids and Tecna new Bloom was nowhere ready for kids, she felt she needed to build up a more reliable relationship with Sky before they attempted at having any kids. She shook her head. Box 3 was next.

Box 3 there was a suitcase 🧳, a briefcase 💼, boots 🥾, helmet 🪖, backpack 🎒, umbrella ☂️, airplane ✈️, and three different perspectives of the worldwide globe 🌍🌏🌎.

Box 4.
a red toy plastic car🚘.

"It's Box 3." Tecna answered. "Bloom loves to travel worldwide."

"Question 7 what appeals most to Bloom?

A. Money
B. Family
C. Stability
D. Adventure

"That's a trick question the answer is stability I choose the letter C because to handle money well you must have a stable mind the same thing with family, and you have to have a stable mind to plan an adventure beside your friends and family." Tecna answers immediately.

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