Common Cantil

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Latin Name: Agkistrodon bilineatus bilineatus

Class: Reptillia
Order: Squamanta
Family: Viperidae
Genus: Agkistrodon
Species: bilineatus bilineatus
CN: Common Cantil
Other Names: Cantil, Mexican Mokassin

Diet: Rodents and amphibians

This snake is shy by bature, if threatened it will flee. Striking only happens if they can not flee

Bites can cause local pain, swelling and discoloratiob, but a full bite from an adult can cause large swelling and neocrosis. Bites can be fatal.

Size from head to rattle 60 cms long

Breeding occurs in the spring. Live bearing giving birth to 5-20 young

Range:From Southern Sonora in Mexico, southeast to Guatemala and El Salvador. Can also be found in the state of Morelos.

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