Missisppi Alligator

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Grows to a length of 20 feet, is found in the southeastern United States. In Central and South America one finds, substantially smaller alligators , to which they are closely.
The habit of the Mississippi Alligator is in rivers, and swamps, where theyfeex on fish, birds and mammals. As opposed to the huge, true crocodiles, there are no known incidents where a man has lost his life.
The Mississippi Alligator was thoughtlessly hunted to extinction for its leather hide. Today the remaining alligators live predominantly in the Everglade swamps in Florida where theyare strictly protected. Poaching, which unfortunately happens as much as ever, is prosecuted with stiff penalties.

The ecudation of the public concerning the harmlessness of the Mississippi Alligator and strict preventive measures have led to a remarkable recovery.

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