Californian Condors

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The Californian Condor is one of the scariest birds on earth. There may be as few as 15 birds in the mountains north of LA, California, in the USA.
Although the precise reason for its decline is not known, habitat alteration throughout its former range is one main causes. Another factor is undoubtedly the scarcity of carcasses of wild and domestic animals upon which it feeds. Wild animals have been exterminated by and large, while very few domestic animals still die on the ranges due to improved livestock ranching.

Even though the remaining Californian Condors have been provided with carcasses of dead animals in recent years, their numbers have nonetheless been steadily decreasing. A captive breeding program has been initiated in attempt to establish a stable population to provide stock for eventual reintroduction into the Wild.

Californian Condors are one of the few birds still critically endangered today. Shows like Ocean Mysteries and Sea Rescue show these birds up close and talk about their critical situations today.

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