Harp Seal

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TheHarp Seal is closely related to common harbor seal. The distrubtion range of the Harp Seal extends from the east coast of Canada in North Altlantic to the coastal areas of Novavya Zemlya.

Divided into three large groups, which do not mix with one another, Harp Seals spend most of the years as wanderers in the ocean. Annually, each group goes in quest of certain areas on ice floes, where their young are born.

Although not yet officially considered in endangered, this seal in particular has come into public view because of gruesome mass-clubbing of the newborn animals. The baby seals are killed for their white coats which are made into luxury items and souvenirs. Many environmentalists believe it is inexcusable that so many young animals are sacrificed in such a brutal manner for such non-essential items.

The number of this species of seal has decreased to less than 2 million from an earlier number of approximately 3.3 million.

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