Hog Badger

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It is gray to black or brown with a white striped head pattern and white throat, ears, and tail. The from the tip of the nose of the hog badger to the end of its tail range from 26.7 inches (67 cm) to 34.7 inches (87 cm).  The hog badger of China is easily distinguished from other badgers by naked pig like snout, and much longer tail. The weight of the adults range from 15 lbs. (7 kg) to 31 lbs. (14 kg).

The breeding habits of the hog badger are not well known, but in one observation the wild female gave birth to 4 young in April.

The hog badger, like most badgers, is a nocturnal animal. It prefers to spend its days in a deep crevice or burrow. As will all badgers, they are omnivores, but the hog badger uses its pig like snout to get to worms, insects, roots, tubers and sometimes fruit, more often than eating small mammals.

The hog badger is also known in common terms as hog-nosed badger or sand badger.

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