XV - pills

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Chapter Fifteen - Pills



After that awful dream I started to think a bit more about them. At first I thought they were just dreams, dreams that were the result of my soul's existence in this world. I mean, I don't belong here... perhaps it was a punishment for interrupting the flow of the story. At least that's what I had thought. Now, I'm not so sure. The dreams I had, the awful pain... it was too real, I could feel the fading effects of the pain when I woke up, I could feel the lasting touch of the two men that saved me in each dream. They made me question how real these dreams were. In the book, it had never mentioned a godly white haired man or a eternal black haired man... if it had, I guess I wasn't gay enough to notice.

"Young master?" Kamai's voice cut through my thoughts, forcing me to look up at him. Although I was sitting, I still felt really short compared to the cocoa skinned man. "Young master are you alright?" I blinked twice, my brain flatlining. It felt strange to know that the man in front of me was once words on a page. Now, he was real... at least real enough for me to see. I felt the weight of his black eyes as they waited for an answer. This man... I looked away, letting out a hum in reply. I could tell my response didn't please Kamai but he let it pass and continued to button my dress shirt.

The silence between us was starting to become uncomfortable. Kamai was quiet, and blunt, so it was hard to hold a conversation with him. Slowly I glanced at the door where Tilly had left me with Kamai. Doesn't she know Kamai is terrible company!? I mean, after last night the two of them have yet to leave me to myself... they've taken turns looking after me. The message is sweet but jesus, let me have some alone time. I let out a sigh and saw Kamai move to ask what was wrong but Tilly burst through the doors.

"Young master!~" She sang joyfully. I was glad for her interruption, but she was so loud... still her joy brought a smile to my lips. I stood from the bed, Kamai respectfully stepping back. He hadn't finished with the awfully annoying uniform, but that could wait, Tilly had brought something with her. I stepped closer to the young woman and gazed at the decently sized box in her hands. It looked to be made of wood- it was elegantly made as well. Before I could ask about the wooden box Tilly's excited voice answered my unspoken question. "It's from your father," I faltered, my smile dropping to a slight frown. Tilly continued, "Master Kingston would like you to visit the Academy's headmaster after opening your gift!" I suppose this would seem like a show of love from "my" father... But I knew better, that man didn't want me, he was out to ruin my life just as much, maybe more than the heroes of this story.

Tilly pushed the box into my hands and I reluctantly took it, the sanded wood soft against my fingers. I glanced at the maid in front of me and smiled to hold back the cringe itching against my lips. I then turned, cutting Tilly off from pestering me about the gift my father sent. Knowing that harrowing personality of my father, this gift wasn't going to be anything good. I sighed for the hundredth time and set the box on my desk, staring at it silently. I could feel Tilly and Kamai staring holes into the back of my head. I gazed down at the stained wood, slowly gliding the tips of my fingers over the smooth surface. Something about this gift set me on edge. I leaned in and unhooked the lock from the box and tilted the lid open...

"HA!" Surprised by my own outburst I cleared my throat and lifted the object from the velvet interior of the box. The contents of the object rattled and Tilly was the first to speak.

"Pills?" Her voice seemed disappointed, but I couldn't blame her. This was disappointing. Very disappointing. I thought my father had given up on the real gift that lay dormant inside of my body. The dragon. It was still young... considering Ezra had taken these pills to suppress the poor thing, it had to be a young dragon. I twisted the glass bottle between my fingers, watching as the tan-colored pills rattled around, toppling over each other in their little cage. I felt my lips tug upwards. "Being trapped in a bottle is no fun." I walked over to the large window in the dorm room and opened it, the cool fall breeze nipping at my skin. Tilly and Kamai were, no doubt, stiff with unease, but I didn't look at them. If I had, I wouldn't be pouring the pills out of the window.

"Young master!" Tilly exclaimed as Kamai moved towards me. Before the taller man could reach me to stop the flow of pills, I let the bottle go. It fell to the ground and shattered, glass scattering just like the pills. "Young master," Kamai spoke this time, his tone much smoother. "The consequences from your father will not be pleasant." I looked up to the man that stood on my left and slowly nodded, a frown growing. He was right, my father would flip his shit... but that's the reason I did it.

"I understand, however, I don't need drugs that change who I am." I stated as I turned from Kamai, making my way out of the room. On my way out, I grabbed the empty wooden box sitting on the desk and made my way to the school's final boss: the headmaster. Earlier this morning Tilly had informed me that the headmaster wanted to "talk". Which could mean many things... but I had a feeling I knew what it was about.


"Ezra Kingson. Thank you for coming here so early."

It was only 8 in the morning...

"I wanted to talk to you about next semester classes, I know the counselors usually handle this for you. But, I wanted your input."

The headmaster was surprisingly kind, and surprisingly a woman. From the rumours I would've guessed she was a man. Realizing I was just staring I smiled and nodded my head as if I understood. She smiled back and her blushed cheeks became more obvious to the eye. Her brown orbs closed and she shifted in her seat. "Good! Now I understand you've had some issues..." At this point I spaced out. She was talking about the original Ezra, the one that wouldn't be sitting here silently letting this old woman haggle him about his behavior. So I spaced out and watched as her faded red hair shifted with her movements. Like any professional, her hair was tied up in a neat bun... but the little baby hairs had found their escape and c.aught my attention. "... are those classes alright with you Ezra?"

I blinked and refocused on her brown eyes. "Yes..." I said slowly, not really sure what I had just agreed to. It seemed the headmaster knew I spaced out and repeated the classes I would be taking. "Alright, Magic law with Professor Inaxx and Small Weaponry with Sir Cade." Oh god. My body stiffened but I forced a smile. "Alright." I repeated, watching as the woman stood up and walked to the door. Slowly I stood and followed her, I was functioning on astonishment and fear. Professor Inaxx had coached Lady Davis and Prince Alexander!! And, Sir Cade trained Emilio, Keon, and Isaiah! I was dead. Utterly and completely dead.


Hello lovelies! I just wanted to say that I absolutely love all the comments and votes each chapter gets ♡♡ it makes me incredibly happy to see so many people enjoy this silly little story!

Again, thank you so much for reading and sticking with my wacky schedule! See you next update!

- Valentine

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