Chapter 3

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"Put on your hood," Amity warns Ruby as they exit the Blight Manor peacefully. The setting sun brings out a gradient to the sky ranging from bright red to dull orange and further until the other end is a sleepy dark blue.

"I crashed in a house like that, huh?" Ruby mutters as she looks past the metal gate and the huge residency where Amity lived before using her cloak, "so... Are you famous or rich or something?"

Without glancing back, Amity narrates as they march onward, "Blight Industries, my parents make Abomination-based stuff -for weaponry and security. You get the picture, we're manufacturers using our special track of magic."

Kind of like Weiss... What was hers? Schnee Dust Company, right? Imagine her face when she realizes all of this.

Ruby snickers from that thought, causing Amity to look back questioningly, "what?"

"It's nothing, you just remind me of someone, my teammate," Ruby waves the suspicion away.

Me too, Ruby. You remind me of a certain dork... Wait... Teammate?

"Speaking of which, did you arrive here with just your dog or...?"

"I remember my sister and my team fell into this weird gooey portal with me. So, me, Zwei, and three others."

"Oh no..."

"I know... They could be anywhere."

One human alone is already getting enough attention here... If everyone knew that there are four more...

"We'll have to hurry, do you have a way of contacting your friends?" Amity says as she imagines the chaos that could ensue, sprinting far ahead.

Ruby, following close by, reaches for her pockets and pulls out a white handheld device with a yellow diamond-shaped button -the entire thing no bigger than a notepad and way thinner. She presses the button and the device expands, revealing a translucent screen that can stretch and is held together by the white 'ends' of it.

"Whoa... What's that?" Amity asks as she catches a quick side glance.

"We call this a Scroll," Ruby passively replies as she touches the screen some more and sees the icons of her team, she calls up Yang first.

"A scroll... We also have our own version of it," Amity comments as she pulls out hers, a purple fabric held together by two dowels for ends and floats it into the air beside her. But then remembers that Luz doesn't have one, so she instead searches for Willow.

After a few rings only to end up hearing that the person is busy, Ruby groans, "she's not responding..." Ruby tries Weiss.

Amity hurriedly messages Willow, asking if she's with Luz right now.

"Weiss isn't answering either... I hope they didn't lose their scrolls. Blake, please answer."

"No... We... Parted ways shortly after a little trip to... The Market..." Amity recites Willow's answer verbatim, "she must definitely be in... The Owl House..."

Ruby stops running after dialing Blake only to immediately hear that she isn't even in range, the line never got to ring, "Blake..."

Amity didn't immediately notice that Ruby wasn't with her by the time she pocketed her purple scroll, "Ruby? What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Ruby perks up at Amity's call and shakes her head, "I'll be right there!"

Ruby shifts Zwei into a more comfortable position under her cloak and catches up quickly to Amity using Petal Burst. As soon as they're side-by-side, they start running again.

"About that trick of yours. The flower petals and the dashing..."

"That's my Semblance, kinda like a special ability. I have a super speed that sometimes leaves behind rose petals."

"Oh! So when you were asking me if I had any..."


"I see. Were you able to contact them?"

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