Chapter 11

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Beginning Notes:

So... This hiatus took a little over a year now, crazy stuff happening in college especially when summer classes are required.

That being said, the next chapter is gonna be released next week, just needs a bit of polishing. The funny thing about it was that next week's chapter was supposedly my return-from-hiatus chapter, but then hiatus dragged out for too long AND when I got to the last section of that chapter, I realized that I need to cover the timeline/events of this one first to keep consistency.


"Alright, time to recap. This time without Weiss shouting." Ruby commences the team meeting as all four of them (plus Zwei, snuggled up beside the team leader) huddle around the living room table as if in a conference room, sitting cross-legged, with Blake's scroll recording the entire conversation (Journal Entry!), a large sheet of paper, and some pencils resting on the middle. Yang sits on Ruby's left side of the table while Weiss on the right as Blake sits across Ruby.

Luz just brought in a tray of mugs and a pitcher of water for everyone else as Eda leaves the room to roam the Owl House. Meanwhile, King, Gus, and Willow are sitting on the couch, and Amity is just standing by the doorway as Hooty opens the door inward to listen in as well.

"H-Hey. Rude..." Weiss objects, with a little mumble near the end of her answer, "but can't argue against it..."

"So!" Ruby begins with a clap of her hands, and jots down as she talks, "it was our final day in Beacon Academy before the short pre-Tourney break."

Yang nods, adding in, gesturing to herself and Ruby, "we were done packing our stuff, ready to head back home."

"When Ruby was supposed to take Zwei out for a bathroom break," Blake answers, Yang nods before Ruby passes the paper to either of the three, which Weiss takes.

"But Zwei eventually strayed until we all found a machine made by Atlas military..." Weiss stops writing to clarify and rewrite in the paper, "or at least the research division of Atlas,"

"We accidentally activated it without knowing how, which led to us getting teleported to..." Blake gestures to the trio on the couch, hoping to get an answer as Weiss passes the paper to her.

"The Boiling Isles of the Demon Realm," Gus picks up on the cue and fills in for her.

"Thank you," Blake gives a nod as she writes it down before passing it back to Ruby.

"I wound up in Amity's place. Where she helped me get back on my feet and get me to The Owl House. Everyone here helped me try to find all of you," Ruby sets the pencil down and turns back to happily grin at Amity, who only gives a neutral nod in response. Ruby turns to the kids on the couch and smiles the same, they reciprocate with warmer expressions.

"Meanwhile I ended up in the local library. Where I was chased by some huge floating creature with a menacing cloud and gaze... It took all night hiding in Amity's secret study room before I was found by her as well," Weiss gestures to Amity without looking up as Ruby continues writing on the paper.

Blake finally grabs her mug of water to begin drinking silently.

"Umm... Weiss?" Amity calls out and beckons her to come closer near the doorway. Weiss gives a raised eyebrow before complying, standing up to approach her.

"What is it?"

"So, the one you encountered was the Master Librarian..." Amity begins.

"Uh huh?" Weiss responds with a raised eyebrow, prompting Amity to continue.

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