Chapter 9: Huntress vs Demon, Round 2

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The bell rings again. Our fighters clash once again. This time, more have joined the fray.
[So... I accidentally merged this chapter and the next one, making it too lengthy (as if this isn't too much words for one chapter).]

~A few minutes ago~

"Just to be sure... You know how to fly this thing, right?" Blake warily asks Luz as she (cautiously) and Ruby (excitedly) hop onto Owlbert. Gus and Willow watch the trio fumble around a bit before they pull out their own scrolls.

"I've been practicing... A little bit, a-as long as we just keep it high and straight ahead," Luz replies sheepishly before correcting her with an index finger pointed up like a nerd saying facts, "and his name is Owlbert."

"We finally get to ride a palisman, Blake! Will every witch get to fly one of them?" Ruby asks giddily.

"I hope so! Can't wait to see what I'll get!" Luz answers just as excitedly.

Ruby snickers, "a giraffe."

"Hey!" Luz shoots back, "a-anyway, let's go save your sister!"


"Good luck, you guys!" Willow and Gus bid farewell as the trio took to the air.

Blake keeps herself steady as she sits in between Luz at the helm and Ruby at the back. Meanwhile, Ruby takes delight in the Bonesborough marketplace they visited just moments ago coming into view below them, watching witches strutting about like ordinary citizens and the various creatures she could guess are different kinds of demons like King and Hooty actively scattering with the afternoon hustle.

This scenery would soon change though as the trio start witnessing a certain region of citizens moving in a suspiciously singular direction. Away from where they're heading.

"Looks like the commotion is bigger than thought," Blake notes as she points to various dust plumes from a distance. Ruby sighs amusedly as she brings out the baseball bat, this grabs Luz's attention.

"Are you sure that'll hold against a group of Emperor's Coven scouts? Much less the Warden?" Luz asks.

Blake waves off the concern, "we huntresses have our aura that protects us from extreme danger, we can extend it to objects and make them much harder."

"Aura?" Luz asks.

Ruby answers, "it's something all things with a soul have in our world. A friend of mine describes it as a force field."

"What about animals?" Luz asks.

"Yep, even animals like Zwei," she confirms, before musing lower as her thoughts drift to a certain friend with a pink ribbon, "and then there are those you wouldn't even expect..."

"What was that, Ruby?" Blake asks.

"Nothing! Just thinking out loud!" She replies back. Blake drops the matter and looks ahead again.

Luz could take Ruby's word for it, but she has a nagging feeling there's something else that could be done. Reaching into her pockets, she fishes out a fistful of glyphs written onto paper sheets and glances back onto the bat. Luz's inner light glyph glows up as an idea crosses her mind. Patting the rest of her pockets, she unfortunately can't find any glue, only her pen.


"Uh... Your name's Blake, right? Mind taking the lead for me? I just need you to keep our path steady," Luz invites

"O-Oh... Umm, alright, sure," Blake hesitates as they momentarily stop Owlbert in mid-air to change seats. Luz hangs from the pole like monkey bars while Blake walks over like she's on a tightrope. With Ruby's help, Luz gets back up onto the middle 'seat' while Blake takes the lead and continues driving the Palisman quickly by slowly leaning forward.

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