Chapter 4

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"Here we are... The Owl House," Amity gestures to the solitary but surprisingly homey residence where Amity's friend(?) would be. The white bricks pairing nicely with the curvy blue roof, making the yellow-green stained glass window in the center stand out more. The stained glass is arranged in such a way that it resembles an eye. A vertical slit eye, to be specific.

That glass window at the center looks... Familiar... Scarily familiar...

"Huh... That actually looks really nice," Ruby smiles relaxingly as she watches Zwei run ahead, barking.

"Watch out for the owl," Amity shivers.

Ruby asks curiously as she turns to notice Amity's... Repulsive reaction, "owl?"

"HOOT! HOOT!" An unnaturally high-pitched voice, almost goofy and scratchy, erupts from behind them. A third person they did not account for.

"Ah!" Amity nearly trips on her own footing.

"GAH!" Ruby's hair jolts upwards along with her hood as she jumps in mid-air with immense shock. She instinctively activates her semblance, zipping past Amity and around to the back of the source of the voice.

"Haiyah!" Ruby shouts as she lands a fully winded karate chop straight down at the... Living wooden tube?


"Ouch! Just trying to greet visitors... Sheesh~! Hoot!" The wooden tube turns around to face Ruby, and that's when Ruby sees the 'owl' Amity was referring to.

Huh... It's almost as if this has happened before on the owl's part... Deja vu?

"AH! It is an owl... Worm... Thing..."

To add to the situation, Ruby looks at the entire owl to see that the tube extends down underground. Looking back to the house, Ruby finds out that the owl connects to the front door and must've dug its way underground to sneak up behind them.
Oh, and Zwei is chewing on a part of the owl tube near the ground.

Amity brings a fist to her mouth, resisting the urge to laugh, that's actually pretty funny.

"Hey... I've never seen you before~!" The tube looms closer to a whimpering Ruby, who by now is desperately wrapping herself with her hood, "that's a nice blanket you got there! May I try~?"

Luckily, once Amity composed herself, she stepped in between Ruby and the tube, immediately threatening the owl, "hey! You better cut that out and let us inside to see Luz or you're gonna get a repeat of what happened yesterday!"

Zwei stops chewing and runs back to Ruby to rub his face on her leg to comfort her. Ruby gladly accepts and picks him up to hug him.

The owl face doesn't change its creepily positive demeanor, but complies with the threat anyway and starts sinking back into the ground, retracting back near the door until it... Turns around to the side of the house and goes inside... Shouting at whoever is inside.

"Sorry about that, that bird-tube is Hooty and he likes to get... Annoyingly close with everyone," Amity rubs the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Thanks for the heads up," Ruby whispers back before they both walk towards the door.

Hooty has now fully retracted until he is just a face on the front door. Ruby keeps an uncomfortable stare at him until they hear footsteps descend from what sounds like stairs and approach the door.

The door opens up to reveal another girl, shorter than Ruby and about the same height as Amity, hazel eyes and tan skin with pixie-cut brownish hair.

Her hair has a shade of... Blue? Purple?

Ebony earrings accompany her round ears as well, confirming that she is the human Amity was referring to.

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