Chapter 8: Huntress vs Demon, Round 1

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What it says on the tin. Now, time to ring the bell.
I initially wanted to upload the entire fight in one go, but I later realized doing that is more trouble than it's worth. So I just made sure to chunk it into reasonably good endpoints.


One of the dozen or so sounds that echo all throughout the prison walls of the Conformatorium. Aside from the flurry of firecrackers going off from Yang's gauntlets-!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!



"Agh! Grr... Hah!"

Bang! Bang!

There goes a guard.

Bang! Bang!

Various spells coming from the Conformatorium guards try to hit the huntress. Some do manage to hit her due to her inexperience.

Two coven scouts come in and draw their magic circles.

"So that's how it looks, huh? Glad someone told me about it first," Yang mutters to herself as she finally catches them in the act, cocking her gauntlets back as they summon purple abominations at her sides to capture her.

In one fell swoop, she steers clear from them, punches a head off of one of them, leaps up into the air and punches the ground, cleaning the area of abominations and staggering the imperial guards.

BOOM! *cue RWBY's Ignite*

Yang leaps back and launches two shotgun slugs towards the Warden.

Bang! Bang!

Wrath immediately sees it and leaps to his right, Yang quickly notices the circular border that she is surrounded by.

Guess I'm technically outside now. I can scale those walls.

She launches herself up into the air with her gauntlets and can be seen approaching the outer walls of the Conformatorium.

"Oh, no you don't!" Wrath exclaims as he extends one of his arms out and it morphs into a limb with multiple tentacles that lash out towards Yang and grab her by the ankle.

What the heck?!

Wrath yanks Yang away from the walls and straight down towards the ground. Overtaken by surprise, Yang's vision hits the floor.


Before her back meets the ground hard.


Followed by being spun towards the earth on her left shoulder.


Finally getting her bearings, she gathers the strength to curl up and punch the tentacles away from her ankle, releasing her and sending her flying a few meters before managing to skid across the floor on her two feet.

"Those hands sure have a lot of tricks," Yang comments as she straightens her back, dusts her skirt, and raises her fists to guard up.

"You may be stronger than the last human with those explosive gauntlets, but I can still take it quite easily after enough hits," Wrath boasts and wastes no time launching himself into the air towards Yang, preparing a hammer-fist to swing towards her.

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