Chapter 12

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Me last chapter: "That being said, the next chapter is gonna be released next week, just needs a bit of polishing."
Also me: *notices that word count for this chapter is reaching 5k and I'm not done filling in the blanks and gaps*
Me: "... Maybe I should split it up first."

Admittedly, I'm a little ashamed at the distribution of focus, but I can't think of a better way to go about it. Still proud of my progress though nonetheless. Hopefully I could explore more of Tai in the near future.

Anyways, enjoy! Feel free to drop comments and stuff, I would greatly appreciate it!

Next chapter may take more than a week though

P.S. After uploading the chapter in AO3, I completely forgot to upload this here and in Wattpad, I am so very sorry


Our witches and huntresses have stirred their first batch of chaos in the Boiling Isles... But what has been going on in Beacon Academy? How are our teachers and headmasters keeping order? Let's see.

~Day one of the incident. Night. Two days before the Vytal Festival. When Ruby met Amity and Luz.~

In the silent and serene night that surrounds the Xiao Long Cabin, only the kitchen light stays on. Despite the upcoming Vytal Festival, only one resident is there right now, a tan man with aged blue eyes and grayed-out blonde hair sporting cargos, tans, and leathers alongside a bright red bandana on his left arm. Taiyang Xiao Long, the shared father of the red reaper and the blonde brawler.

"Hmm... Weird. What's taking them so long to come home?" Taiyang mutters to himself.

While he is currently cleaning up the kitchen counter and setting aside all the utensils and jars into their respective cabinets, a Scroll lights up and rings. As soon as he checked it out, he saw that the caller was none other than Professor Ozpin.

Taiyang rinses the washcloth to be set aside and grabs a clean dry towel to wipe his hands. He slings the towel to his shoulder first before bringing the scroll with him to the living room where a stuffed green duffel bag and a rolled dark gray sleeping bag are sitting beside each other on the sofa.

Docking the scroll onto a nearby stand near the television, he accepts the call and the camera projects both him and the caller onto a single screen as he carefully drops both bags onto the staircase. Upon walking back, what surprised him as well is the fact that it wasn't just Ozpin calling him, Glynda was there too, standing beside him.

"Good evening, Tai," Ozpin starts the conversation. Calm and steady as ever.

"Oh, Ozpin, and Glynda! How unexpected for you two to call me at this hour... Is this about Ruby and Yang? Did they get in trouble before they could get home? I hear some of the other kids have gotten to their parents since this morning to rest and ready for the Vytal Festival," Taiyang chuckles in mirth as he continues to wipe his wet forearms and elbows with his towel.

Unfortunately, the two don't share his energy as Ozpin gives a sad smile before continuing, "... There's no easy way of saying this, so I'm sorry in advance... But I need you to listen intently first."

This caught him off-guard, recognizing that this is more serious than a regular parent-teacher call. So listen intently Taiyang did, once he sat down on the couch. From here, Ozpin and Glynda described the experimental teleporter Bifrost, why it's in Beacon and why Ironwood wanted to bring it. After giving the context, they then explained what they assumed happened to Ruby and Yang's team followed by what that incident could possibly open up to.

Yes, even the idea of Ichor being magic was shared. After all, such topics aren't new to Taiyang. But magic involving Ruby and Yang would certainly pose a surprise.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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