Chapter 2

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Aiko was lounging on a tree branch, looking down at Han-Dae and Tae-Woo who were "guarding" the entrance to Fuuga. As expected, the two lazy morons were snoozing instead of doing their jobs so Aiko decided to guard the entrance from afar.

Her grandpa had left immediately after receiving the message from the palace, claiming that they were holding a meeting with all the other generals.

That confirmed her suspicion that something had indeed happened to Hak.

She desperately tried to convince Mundok to take her with him, however, she ultimately failed. After all, it was a confidential meeting and Aiko doubted they'd even let her enter the palace, let alone join in.

Therefore, Aiko resorted to sulking for the rest of the day, consumed by her thoughts. It was hard to believe that something so serious happened to the Thunder Beast of all people.

'Please be okay.'

She'd rather die than tell him but Aiko was worried sick about Hak. Before he moved out to work at the castle, the two of them were incredibly close, regularly arguing and teasing each other. These fights would typically end in Mundok smacking both of them on the head.

At the end of the day, Hak was her dearest older brother and she admired him greatly.

'Yet I might never see him again.'

Attempting to blink back the tears, the girl returned her focus to the entrance of Fuuga, only to do a double-take at the sight.

At the very same gates she was keeping an eye on, Hak was scolding Han-Dae and Tae-Woo for sleeping on duty.

Aiko sat up in pure disbelief, almost convinced that he was nothing but a figment of her imagination that was conjured up by her worry.

When other members of the wind tribe rushed over to the gates to greet their general, she finally overcame her initial shock and leapt from her tree.

As she neared the growing crowd, she noticed a petite girl standing next to Hak, with luminous red hair flowing down her shoulders. Aiko never thought she'd ever see hair so unruly in her life.

Unfortunately, she couldn't spend too long admiring the girl's hair as the red-head suddenly fainted.

Without a second thought, Hak crouched down and picked up the girl, carrying her whilst barking orders at the other members of the wind tribe.

Aiko silently whisked towards Hak, placing the back of her hand on the girl's forehead to check her temperature.

"She has a fever... Hak, what sort of disease did you infect her with?" She scolded, ignoring the Thunder Beast's irritated glare.

"Oi, why do you immediately assume it was my fault?" Hak grumbled. He then sped up his pace, clearly worried about the girl in his arms.

"Because it always is." Aiko had to jog to keep up with his long strides.

Having lost the motivation to bicker, the duo remained silent on their way to the guest room, with Hak occasionally looking down at the girl in his arms.

"Aiko?" Tae-Yeon's adorable voice called out, causing Aiko and Hak to turn around to face their youngest sibling, "Hak, you're here too!"

"Tae-Yeon, I won't be able to play with you right now so be a good boy and wait, alright?" Hak instructed, smiling gently at the 6-year-old's enthusiastic grin.

"OKAY! Oh, I'll bring our guest a tray of food!" Their brother saluted before rushing to the kitchen without waiting for a response, nearly tripping over in his excitement to be useful. 

Aiko clutched her chest dramatically at the scene, feeling as if her heart was going to explode.

"Be careful, Tae-Yeon!" Hak called out, sighing in defeat when he received no response. They then resumed their journey to the guest room when they were certain Tae-Yeon was fine.

Once they finally reached one of the guest rooms, Hak gently placed the red-haired girl on a futon whilst frowning at the sight of her exhaustion.

"Hak," Aiko softly called out, "What happened?"

Hak turned to face his sister with a slight smile, "It's nothing important. Just boring politics so don't worry."

"I'm not worried," she mumbled, sitting on the ground near the girl, pouting childishly, "Did the castle get sick of you then? Did they finally realise how annoying you are?"

"The only annoying one here is you," Hak retorted, sitting on the opposite end of the room with his belongings haphazardly scattered nearby.

"At least get changed. You're stinking up this room, dammit." Aiko's snarky comment caused Hak to glare at her in irritation, before doing exactly as she said.

A few moments after he left, Aiko took a moment to think through the situation. Something seemed familiar about the unconscious girl.

That was when it sunk in.

Back when they were children, Hak would describe his time at the castle every now and then, regularly mentioning a "girl with stupid-looking red hair".

There was only one person Aiko knew of who had such hair - the princess herself.

'If I'm right and Hak really did bring princess Yona to Fuuga in such a secretive way, then my brother either kidnapped the princess or those two are roped up in something seriously dangerous.'

All Aiko could do was hope the situation would eventually fix itself.

Whooop! Aiko and Hak reunited. It's already so fun to write their banter and I hope you look forward to more of their sibling shenanigans. Thanks for reading and have a nice day! <3

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