Chapter 12

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Yona and Hak glared at each other for a while, frustrated at each other's stubbornness.

The air was thick with tension, causing Yoon to sigh - he was far too tired to deal with arguments after walking for so long.

"Princess, can you kill someone?" Hak asked, breaking the silence with a question that made the princess freeze, "When you're faced with enemies, you have to either kill them or immobilize them. Can you do that?"

After recovering from her initial shock, she replied, "Either way, I should at least be able to make an opening for us to escape. Nothing matters more than our survival."

"I think it's a good idea-" Aiko attempted to chime in, only for Hak to glare venomously at her, "Never mind, I don't have any thoughts."

"Listen," Hak redirected his gaze to Yona, "By teaching you how to use a weapon, I'll be going directly against my king's orders. You need to understand why King Il was opposed to weapons."

Yona inhaled sharply, her face morphing into one of agony, yet still, the girl didn't waver, "No, you listen. We're not safe anymore. It doesn't matter where we go, we'll constantly be hunted down. What if something happens to you and Aiko? Who'll protect me and Yoon then? I can't just depend on you two when this is my fault in the first place!"

Hak ruffled his hair in frustration, snapping in irritation, "Fine! You win again! Why do you have to be so good with words, dammit? Stop making me speechless!"

Yona stared up at him in confusion, seemingly unsure whether she was being insulted or complimented.

Hak then handed Yona a bow and quiver, "For now, you're using this. I can be on the front lines and you can help out by shooting from far away."

The redhead pouted childishly when she realised he wasn't planning on teaching her how to use a sword any time soon but still accepted the weapon graciously.

"By the way, how are you planning on giving lessons?" Yoon asked, after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Well normally I'd make the princess shoot 200 arrows a day," the Thunder Beast answered nonchalantly, causing Yona to stiffen, "But for now she can try shooting wild animals."

Yoon nodded in approval, "Good idea -  that'll give us our dinner too. I'm counting on you, Princess."

She awkwardly saluted, seemingly nervous about the sudden responsibility yet unwilling to complain. 

"Oooh, perfect timing," Aiko mused, watching a bird fly in circles around them.

The group decided to pause their hike, with Yoon and Aiko sitting on a tree stump while Yona aimed her shot for the very first time. Hak was stood next to her, watching silently as she struggled.

Yona held her breath before releasing the arrow, watching as it flew through the air and... Immediately fell to the ground, nowhere near her target.

Hak immediately burst out laughing, enjoying her failure a little too much.

Ignoring his infuriatingly loud laughter, Yona attempted her shot once more, aiming higher than she had before.

However, despite her alterations, she still missed and the bird continued to fly in blissful ignorance. For some reason, that irked Yona more than Hak's laughter.

The redhead attempted shooting the bird three more times and when she failed, she turned to Hak helplessly, "Why isn't it working?"

"Here, I'll show you." Hak took the bow and quiver from Yona, positioning himself where she was and shooting down the bird in a matter of seconds. The quartet silently watched the bird flop to the ground.

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