Chapter 3

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After helping the princess get changed, Aiko leant her back against the wall of the room, patiently waiting for her guest to wake up.

It took roughly an hour or two for Yona to awaken and mumble, "Where am I?"

Aiko smiled and waved enthusiastically at the princess just as Tae-Yeon entered the room with a tray of food prepared.

"Hi, you're in one of our guest rooms right now. A couple of hours ago, you fainted and Hak carried you all the way here. You know, he looked really worried too. Are you guys lovers or something? Oh, but maybe you're just friends. Either way, I can tell you all his embarrassing secrets if you want. Oh! Also, I changed your clothes for you - I hope you don't mind," Aiko began rambling.

"Uh-" Yona began, clearly overwhelmed by the sudden information dump she received immediately after regaining consciousness.

"Aiko, you need to check on the patient before talking to them, okay?" Tea-Yeon scolded, before checking Yona's temperature, "Good. Your fever's gone down. Make sure you eat lots."

Tae-Yeon then handed Yona a bowl of chicken porridge which smelt so good that Aiko's stomach quietly rumbled.

The black-haired girl was so enamoured by the smell of the dish that she completely zoned out from the conversation. It was only when she saw Yona tearing up that she started to pay attention once more.

"Are you okay?" Aiko asked, green eyes widening in surprise.

"Does it taste bad?" Tae-Yeon chimed in with his voice sounding timid.

Yona gently shook her head, not bothering to wipe away her tears, "No, it's warm."

"You're crying because it's warm? You're strange," the young boy commented. His head tilted in confusion, making him resemble a puppy.

"It made me remember my father," Yona elaborated, with a sincere smile on her face. Tae-Yeon quietly wiped the red-haired girl's tears away.

Aiko, deciding it was best to change the topic, moved herself next to Yona and said, "I don't think we introduced ourselves yet - I'm Aiko."

"And I'm Tae-Yeon! We're Hak's younger siblings."

Yona looked back and forth between the two, probably searching for some form of family resemblance.

"We're not biological siblings though. Grandpa Mundok adopted us," Aiko explained. Yona simply nodded in understanding.

"Are you Hak's friend?" Tae-Yeon inquired.

"Or maybe a lover?" Aiko added with a smirk on her face, unable to help herself.

Yona paused and furrowed her brows in deep thought, "Friends... Probably."

At her blunt response, the door to the guest room slid open, revealing Han-Dae and Tae-Woo crying dramatically.

"You're probably friends?" The idiotic due chorused.

"That's horrible... Even if you can't be lovers..." Tae-Woo began.

"You're not even friends? So he's totally out!" Han-Dae wept, his loud voice echoing around the room.

Aiko, wanting to join in on the fun, wiped at her own fake tears and dramatically added, "Poor Hak. His feelings aren't returned! It must be so hard to deal with unrequited love."

At that very second, Hak's trusty Hsu Quandao struck Han-Dae and Tae-Woo simultaneously which caused them to yelp in pain.

"The hell are you three clowns on about? And who are you calling your friend?" Hak snapped. He was now dressed in clean clothes and looked a lot more comfortable than he was when he first got to Fuuga.

"Huh? Then my atte-" Yona began, only to get interrupted by Hak covering her mouth with his hand, leaning unbelievably close towards her and whispering something quietly.

Aiko gasped at the bold display, immediately averting her eyes to avoid the awkward scene; sure, she was teasing Yona about Hak just a few seconds ago but that didn't mean she wanted to see them get up close and personal.

Meanwhile, Han-Dae and Tae-Woo had equally as comical reactions, blushing madly with Tae-Woo covering her younger brother's eyes to protect his innocence.

"We're not doing anything too inappropriate for Tae-Yeon to see!" Hak then yelled, putting the two trouble makers in a headlock.

Aiko was lucky that Tae-Woo and Han-Dae were much louder than her, otherwise, she'd likely be in the same position as them. There truly wasn't anything more painful than the Thunder Beast's attacks.

Meanwhile, Tae-Yeon, who was probably enamoured by the fact that someone from the palace was there, continued questioning Yona, asking about what Hak was like.

Yona paused for a bit, pondering over the question before replying with, "Hak is... Rude. A bully. Not charming at all. Uncute."

That was all it took for Aiko, Han-Dae and Tae-Woo to burst out laughing once more.

"Miss Rina, you're the best!" Han-Dae exclaimed, calling the princess by the alias Hak came up with.

"Uncute, she said! The general's uncute," Tae-Woo wheezed, slapping his knee repeatedly.

Meanwhile, Aiko barely had enough breath to comment due to the sheer volume of her laugh. To get the green-eyed girl to stop, Hak yanked on her hair which caused her to screech in pain instead.

He then switched his attention back to the lazy duo, yelling at them to leave him alone for once.

Yona watched the spectacle in awe, doe eyes lighting up at the sight of Hak in his home.

And it was that moment the redhead wished she could get the chance to feel that happy once more.

I remember loving this part of the anime so much. There's nothing better than the wind tribe's interactions. I wish they had more screen time. Thanks for reading and have a nice day! <3

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