Chapter 7

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Aiko was seriously starting to regret coming along on the journey.

Once Yona and Aiko formally introduced themselves to each other, Hak began teasing the red-head for no apparent reason, enjoying the sight of her annoyed pout.

On the other hand, poor Aiko was left trailing behind the duo, having barely recovered from hearing Hak's blatant advances first-hand.

She couldn't understand what was so attractive about her snot-nosed brat of a brother and physically felt sick at the thought of him being romantic.

Deciding it would be a waste of time to think too deeply into things, Aiko ran ahead across the rocky grounds of the mountain range.

"Oi, don't run too far ahead!" Hak warned, however, the girl merely ignored his statement and ran even faster.

She rarely left Fuuga so it was incredibly exciting for her to be in a different environment.

"Hey, princess! Are you alright with camping out here? It's so cold," Aiko called out after exploring the area a bit.

Yona nodded in reply, "Yeah, I've gotten used to sleeping outdoors now."

Smiling crookedly, Aiko then joked, "Don't worry, your highness, I'll protect you from all the bugs and pervy men."

She ensured to stare at Hak whilst making her comment and couldn't help but feel thankful that she stood so far away from him, able to avoid getting hit by his Hsu Quandao.

"Who're you calling a pervy old man?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Aiko blinked innocently, only for Hak to pick up a small stone and throw it at her head, "Ouch! This is child abuse! Your Highness, please educate this stupid servant."

"I'm not her servant anymore so shut up," He retorted.

Yona merely giggled at their exchange. She didn't even know Hak had siblings a few days ago and yet here they were, travelling together in search for a priest Mundok told them about.

"Geez, how are we supposed to find someone who doesn't even live in a village. Does Gramps think we're professional priest finders or something?" Hak then muttered under his breath.

Aiko, who returned to scouting the area, froze in shock and the feeling of many footsteps. She tried to conclude how many people were coming but realised there were too many to count.

"GUYS!" She called out, ensuring not to use either of their names just to be safe.

The girl scanned the area for Yona and Hak, only to deadpan at the sight of her brother pinning the princess to the wall.

'And he wonders why I called him a pervy old man.'

Taking a deep breath in, Aiko unsheathed her sword and prepared for battle. This was the first chance she'd get to prove herself as a member of the wind tribe.

Within seconds, soldiers of the fire tribe marched towards the trio, all led by a young man who was dressed in extravagant clothing.

Hak, with a wide smirk, used his Hsu Quandao to cut down the nearby swarm of enemies, killing them immediately with unnatural speed.

"So it really was you, huh?" Hak mused, looking up at the young man directly, "You Fire Tribe bastards."

"Glad to see you in good health. Both General Son Hak... And Princess Yona as well. I, Kan Tae-Jun of the Fire Tribe, have been waiting for this moment for a very long time-" the young man began.

"Please take a look, Princess. There's so much beautiful scenery," Hak interrupted, pointing at the horizon. Yona merely watched in awe, seemingly unbothered by their current situation.

"WHAT? HOW CAN YOU BE IN THE MIDDLE OF ENJOYING THE SCENERY WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU?" Tae-Jun exclaimed, waving his arms in the air childishly.

"What? You were talking to me?" Hak tilted his head in feigned confusion, "I'm not a general anymore and my name isn't 'Son' either. Sorry for the misunderstanding."

"Oh no, as long as you understand it's fine. Wait... WHAT? NOT A GENERAL?"

It was then that Aiko truly wondered how such a man was able to lead an army, let alone orchestrate the attacks on her home.

"Yeah, I'm just a wandering traveller now. In other words, nothing I do had any connection with the wind tribe," Hak replied, his smirk never once leaving his face.

"That so? Well, that doesn't matter either way. I've come to kill you and retrieve the princess!" Tae-Jun then announced, lifting his sword in the air as a signal for the other soldiers to attack.

Within seconds, a barrage of arrows came flying down from atop the mountain. Hak reacted almost instantly, pressing Yona up against him and using his weapon to repel the arrows.

Aiko, on the other hand, ran over to a blind spot, safely avoiding getting hit by any stray shots. She was nowhere near as experienced as Hak so she couldn't be too reckless.

When the shower of arrows paused, Aiko darted from her position and attacked the nearest soldiers, taking them down with swift yet powerful blows.

To keep up with the sheer number of enemies, the black-haired girl had to constantly be on the move, never once focusing too much energy on a single person.

She was insanely thankful for Mundok's training, otherwise, there was no way in hell she'd be able to handle such a battle.

Having been constantly switching between blocking and lunging, Aiko was growing exhausted. Despite being skilled, it was still difficult for 2 people to fight against such a large army.

While parrying one soldier's attack, Aiko suddenly felt a searing pain across her back.

Sure, it was inevitable but she still felt irritated at the fact that a soldier took advantage of her distraction and stabbed her back.

Panting heavily, Aiko knocked out the enemy in front of her with the hilt of her sword. She then turned to face the soldier that just stabbed her, gritting her teeth before striking him with surprising strength.

Unfortunately, that was the end of the line for her as Aiko collapsed onto the ground, tears blurring her vision.

'Princess Yona... Hak... Please survive...'

With that final thought, Aiko closed her eyes.

So yeah... That happened. Fight scenes aren't really my strong suit, so this was definitely shortened a lot but picture this fight lasting a lot longer. Also, Aiko was way too invested in her own fight to pay attention to where Hak and Yona were. As always, thanks for reading and have a nice day. <3

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