Chapter 21

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"This must be it," Sumi declared, staring up at the high mountains whilst shuddering due to the chilly morning wind.

"You've been saying that for the last two days," Hak drawled.

About three days have passed since Sumi had joined them and they were yet to find the Blue Dragon.

Whilst planning the journey ahead, Sumi narrowed down the dragon's location to four potential areas: in the mountains, deep in the forest and two small villages at the border of the Fire Tribe, each being as far away as possible from any bustling towns.

So far, they were unlucky with their first three options and were putting all their hope in the final location - the mountains. With it being so far away, the group saved going there for last.

"Just in case we do find anything, don't forget our cover story," Yoon instructed as they began their walk up the mountain.

Thankfully, there was a safe path up the side of the mountain, meaning they wouldn't need to worry about somehow getting 6 people to climb up steep rocks without dying.

"I do not believe we'll need to use it. After all, what clan in their right mind would turn away a fellow dragon?" Kija stated matter-of-factly.

Sumi rolled her eyes. "What if they don't believe us? Or want to keep the Blue Dragon's power to themselves? It's too risky to reveal your goals immediately, Airhead."

"They're the Blue Dragon's people! Why would they dare keep him from his destiny?" Kija exclaimed, horrified by the mere concept.

"You and your destiny nonsense! Can you tone it down a notch and follow the damn plan?" Sumi hissed, before storming off to walk alongside Aiko - she decided she didn't have the energy to continue arguing with the white-haired man.

Unfortunately, Kija and Sumi's relationship was yet to improve, and the two of them clashed frequently. This only worsened when the woman formed a strange friendship with Hak, who also enjoyed taunting the White Dragon a little too much.

"All I ask for is one day of peace," Yoon sighed, causing Yona to pat the boy's shoulder sympathetically.

"I'm sure they'll get along eventually," the princess attempted to reassure him, however, her voice faltered at the end of her statement.

Aiko snorted, "Sounding very confident there, Your Majesty."

Running a hand through her hair in frustration, Sumi apologised to the others, feeling ashamed for getting carried away in front of them all.

"Don't worry about it. Even if you and Kija didn't bicker, the other two beasts would do the job for you." Yoon shrugged off her apology.

"You love us anyway," Aiko sang, twirling dramatically, and the pretty boy genius rolled his eyes, although he made no effort to rebuke her statement.

With the awkward atmosphere dissipated, the group continued their climb without many interruptions and it didn't take long for them to find an entrance to a tunnel in the mountain.

Aiko suddenly froze at the sight, almost falling face-first if it weren't for Hak pulling her up by the scruff of her neck. 

Kija marched forward in front of the two, appearing to have sensed something within the tunnel. His expression was filled with conviction and he walked with an extra spring in his step.

Yoon and Yona followed swiftly behind the dragon, taken aback by his sudden enthusiasm.

"Be careful! It's risky to charge in like that!" The pretty boy genius attempted to stop Kija before he ended up in a dangerous situation.

"I do not care!" The dragon childishly replied.

"You do realise Aiko and I were thrown into a cage and almost killed in your village, right?"

Sumi was about to catch up to them but paused when she caught a glimpse of Aiko - the girl was trembling like a newborn deer and her eyes were, for once, completely void of emotion.

Hak was speaking to his sister gently: his words were barely audible but Sumi could just about hear him reassure Aiko that she was safe.

"Do you want to stay outside? I can hang back with you. Besides, I'm sure we won't need everyone in there," Sumi suggested.

Aiko shook her head rapidly. She then took a deep breath in and said, "I'll be fine. I was just taken off guard. I didn't expect the entrance to be so... Small."

She wordlessly entered the tunnel, focusing her gaze on her shoes. Despite being able to keep her voice steady, her body was still shaking. Hak and Sumi exchanged frowns and followed the girl in.

After a few moments of walking through unnerving darkness, the group finally came across an entrance of some sort - it was a decorative carpet draped over what one could assume to be other tunnels branching out.

Before they could discuss what they should do next, a haggard old man emerged from behind one of the drapes with a cane in hand. A group of masked individuals could also be seen poking their heads out from behind him.

Such a sight sent chills down Aiko's spine; she was already freaked out by the suffocatingly narrow tunnel so adding more eeriness was an unpleasant surprise.

"We have guests?" The old man trailed off, eyeing the group warily.

Sumi immediately recognised that roundabout way of speaking and stiffened. What could be seen as an innocent inquiry was almost certainly masking layers of distrust. If they weren't careful, they may be in trouble.

Kija, unfortunately, didn't pick up on the same red flags.

"Bring the Blue Dragon here!"

The woman gaped at him, her face contorting in a combination of disbelief and frustration. All of that planning, all of those hours spent coming up with a believable alias gone to waste.

'That's it. I'm killing him.'

Here we are, at the creepiest dragon clan of the bunch. You could make a whole horror movie based around them. Anyways, thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed and have a nice day. <3

Their New Home (Yona Of The Dawn X Oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora