Meanwhile 2

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A/N - Welcome to another chapter exclusively about Sumi!

After riding for a couple of hours, Sumi finally noticed just how famished she was.

Even before she provoked Kum-Ji she was never fed properly, an intentional move aimed to prevent any of the captured women from having the strength to escape.

She was just about able to survive back then due to her limited movement. However, she would have to strain her body regularly to survive in the world and therefore needed to eat.

"This is such a pain," she muttered to herself, gently bringing the horse to a stop, "Stay here, okay?"

She was surrounded by a forest rich with life, so it made sense for her to be able to find some food of any kind.

With a little scavenging, Sumi was able to collect a decent selection of fruit, enough to satisfy her hunger without making her feel nauseous.

The woman returned to where she left the horse behind, calling out, "Hey, buddy! I've got you some food as a thanks."

Unfortunately for her, where the horse once stood was now completely empty.

"Eh... No way... It didn't just run away right?" The woman stammered in disbelief. She then roamed the surrounding area for a few minutes to search for the horse.

When she finally came to terms with it being completely gone, she tutted, "So much for loyalty. I would've given you a cute name!"

On the bright side, at least there was more food for herself.

Whilst munching on the fruit she collected, Sumi considered her options on what she could do next. Without a horse, it was difficult to travel for long distances, especially in her pitiful state - she didn't even have shoes.

Her best bet was to find a village of some sorts but she didn't even have any money to buy food, let alone resources she'd need for travel.

"At this rate, I might as well just steal from random travellers," Sumi sighed, leisurely leaning against a tree, "Though I'd most likely end up killed."

The longer she thought, the more helpless her situation felt so she decided to focus on collecting firewood instead.

She had nothing besides the flimsy clothes she was wearing, so she'd likely freeze to death if she was stupid enough to sleep without a campfire.

The sun was in the middle of the sky, showing there was plenty of time until night. That gave her the freedom to roam around for a bit and analyse her surroundings.

Sumi seemed far away enough from civilisation yet she didn't see many wild animals in the area either apart from the birds which roamed the skies.

She wasn't sure whether to be relieved or terrified of that fact.

'Wait, why aren't there any animals. Could it be hunters? Or a predator that only appears at night?' Sumi's thoughts became increasingly panicked the longer she sat still.

"Maybe I shouldn't sleep here," she mumbled to herself, deciding to leave the clearing, carrying the firewood she previously collected.

The further she walked, the steeper the ground got and Sumi found herself getting exhausted very quickly. Despite this, she didn't regret leaving that location - after all, she wouldn't have been able to sleep with her overly paranoid thoughts.

Dropping the firewood at the safest spot, Sumi settled down, rubbing her sore feet.

"The second I score myself a house, I'll do nothing but laze around for months," she vowed, cartoonish tears running down her face, "I'm too tired."

Unfortunately for her, not even a short break was possible as an alarmingly large group of figures suddenly surrounded the area.

Sumi, feeling too demotivated to run away, merely bellowed, "ARGH, WHAT THE HELL? CAN'T YOU LET A WOMAN SLEEP FOR ONCE?"

An abrupt ending for reasons you'll see very soon~. As always, I hope you enjoyed this short snippet and have a nice day. <3

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