Chapter 14

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"What's going on here?" The White Dragon marched towards Yona's group, donning a cold glare.

The second he came face-to-face with the princess, however, he suddenly collapsed, clutching his claw-like arm while sweating profusely.

Aiko, despite being annoyed at the way she was treated by the villagers, ran up to the dragon alongside Yona and worriedly asked, "H-hey, what the hell's happening?"

Yoon followed suit and propped the White Dragon's head on a bag, holding his hand against the dragon's pale skin, "He's burning up."

Yona kneeled at his side and watched in awe at the sight of the dragon's right arm growing twice its size, releasing steam from how hot it was.

Before long, the White Dragon regained consciousness, his eyes zeroing in on Yona. It was then that he shot up and instantly bowed at her feet.

"Pardon me for such a rude introduction. I am the one who possesses the White Dragon's power. I have been waiting for you... My master," he declared.

Having heard that, the nearby villagers followed their dragon's lead and bowed - the only people left stood were Yona's group.

Aiko hid behind Hak; it was bad enough that she felt on edge around the villagers, let alone be able to handle their sporadic actions.

Once stood up, the villagers began cheering and animately congratulating the White Dragon, taking the quartet of travellers by surprise.

"Well, they sure are happy," Yoon mused.

"They're calling me king too... Is it because I'm royalty?" Yona inquired, a light blush dusting her cheeks.

"They probably think you're the Crimson Dragon because of your hair," Hak explained. The redhead's eyes widened in bewilderment.

She was about to comment, only to be interrupted by the White Dragon, "My master, please tell me your name."

"P-please call me Yona," she stammered, her blush deepening.

"Lady Yona," the dragon smiled, practically enchanting the princess.

The sight made Hak tut in irritation. He was undoubtedly listing all the reasons why he was so much better than the White Dragon.

"You're beautiful," Yona suddenly praised him, worsening Hak's glare.

"N-not at all! Your majesty outshines me by far," the dragon replied. This left Yona with a dopey smile on her face. 

The rest of the group deadpanned at the sight, simultaneously noting that their leader would do anything for a compliment.

"Look, I'm not your king or your master. I'm simply a selfish troublemaker who wants your sacred power to protect myself and my friends," Yona confessed after coming back to her senses, "That being said, I'm looking for the other three dragons. Will you lend me your power?"

The White Dragon merely smiled and replied, "It would be my honour. That is what the blood within me is saying."

He then excused himself in order to pack up some supplies for the journey ahead.

Once left alone, the group of four slumped by a tree, collectively relieved that they succeeded in getting a dragon on their side.

"This is kinda surreal," Aiko mumbled, fiddling with her fingers, "I mean... How is he so beautiful?"

"I know right! I almost forgot how to breathe," Yona replied enthusiastically. The girls both sighed at the same time, too caught up in their own world to notice Hak and Yoon's deadpan expressions.

"Beauty aside," Yoon cleared his throat, "I was surprised the White Dragon agreed to come with us so easily. Especially after the whole 'selfish troublemaker' comment."

Yona smiled sheepishly and replied, "I wasn't exactly lying. I didn't want to bring someone on our side without telling them the truth." 

"That's fine and all. I was just weirded out by this guy who's been making a creepy face this whole time," Yoon explained, pointing at Hak who was smirking.

Aiko shuddered, protectively holding out her arm in front of Yona, "Princess, it's not safe for you to be around this pervert."

Hak, still donning his smirk, defended himself, "It's not like that. I was just having a blast watching her highness picking a fight with a beast."

Aiko and Yoon merely exchanged fed up looks, both unsure over whether or not they could trust the Thunder Beast with Yona anymore.

Finally realising he was in trouble, Hak decided to escape the judgment and go collect some more supplies from the village, leaving behind the trio.

"Hak's been acting weird lately," Yona mumbled, watching him go.

Aiko, unable to resist a chance to tease her friend, drawled, "They say love drives people crazy."

"Love? Hak's in love? I wonder who it is," the redhead wondered naively, ignoring the way Aiko facepalmed.

'Poor guy,' Yoon thought, mentally recalling the other times Yona turned Hak down with her obliviousness.

Amidst his thoughts, Yoon didn't notice when Aiko leant closer to him until he felt her breath against his ear as she murmured, "Yona's obliviousness is very entertaining, right?"

The pretty boy genius flinched at the proximity and moved to a safer distance, covering his reddened face with one arm whilst yelling, "D-don't get so close!"

Aiko tilted her head in confusion, only for the embarrassment to sink in a few seconds later, "OH! I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean anything by that!"

Yona looked back and forth between the duo, blinking in confusion, whilst thinking, 'What's up with this atmosphere?'

Though she couldn't dwell on thoughts for too long as Hak and the White Dragon returned to the group with a rather hostile aura radiating from them.

'Hak, what the hell did you do?'

And I'm back from the dead! Sorry for this massive delay, school's been draining my will to exist but the show must go on somehow... Anyway, here comes the first of the many Hak vs Kija arguments. Those two dorks have such a funny dynamic.

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