Chapter 15

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As the White Dragon and Hak walked up to the group seconds away from killing each other, Yoon sighed in relief.

Such a scene was so humorous that it immediately distracted the pretty boy genius from his embarrassment - something about being so close to Aiko completely threw him off and he didn't want to mull over those thoughts in the middle of a dragon's village.

"Wh-what's up with those two?" Yona sweat-dropped.

"Knowing him, it's probably Hak's fault," Aiko deadpanned.

"Princess, we can't use him. Let's leave this place," Hak told Yona, his brows furrowed in annoyance.

The White Dragon fumed, "You should be the one to leave! I can protect her highness on my own!"

What ensued was an argument that made Yoon's head throb, "Such a pain. What even happened?"

"That white snake paid me to leave," Hak answered, seeming awfully proud of the nickname he gave the dragon.

"Of course you took the bribe," Aiko sighed exasperatedly, pointing at the bag of money which her brother attempted to hide in his clothes.

"What are you talking about? I just gained some weight."

Huffing in indignation, the White Dragon snapped, "As one of the dragons, my role is to protect her! That means you aren't needed anymore-"

Yona thankfully ended the argument by clinging onto Hak's arm and exclaiming, "No! Hak's my childhood friend and stayed with me when I was all alone. He means a lot to me! I need him with me!"

Aiko smirked when she saw her brother's dumbfounded look, enjoying how horrifically whipped he was for the princess.

However, that satisfaction morphed into slight fear when she heard Hak laugh like a maniac, a hand covering his face. He looked a lot like a storybook villain and even the White Dragon was disturbed.

"Well, there ya have it. Nothing we can do about that then," the Thunder Beast chuckled, practically glowing.

Too busy relishing at the moment, Hak didn't notice Yona taking the bag of money away from him, giving it to the White Dragon.

"I also need you, though," Yona told him, "I'm worried Hak will end up dying because of me. So... Please, protect him!"

Aiko stifled a laugh. She was certain that comment knocked her brother off his high horse, even if the princess didn't mean it in that way.

"Ah, I see! So that's how it is, huh? You want me to protect him because he's weak. You can count on me! However, protecting you will still be my priority," the White Dragon smiled brightly, a direct contrast to his passive-aggressive words.

"I'm not so desperately helpless that I need protection from a white snake," Hak spat, gripping his Hsu Quandao so tightly his knuckles turned white.

The White Dragon glared venomously, "A white snake? How dare you call a holy dragon a snake!"

Before the situation could get any worse, Aiko gently pushed Yoon and Yona away, deciding to save them from the disaster that was about to commence, "L-let's get out of here and leave those two to it."

"Yeah, this is getting troublesome," Yoon deadpanned.

When the two men saw the rest of the group were leaving without them, they paused their argument and caught up to them hurriedly, still glaring at each other to prove the fight was going to continue later.

Before they could leave the village, however, a parade of people rushed to the White Dragon, all led by an old woman seated on a cushioned platform, carried by four others.

"Granny?" The dragon asked, tilting his head innocently.

Hearing that word made Aiko's chest throb with familiarity as she recalled her own grandfather and how painful it was to leave him.

The old woman remained silent, seemingly deep in thought. The black-haired girl expected to hear a tearful goodbye only for the woman to shoot up and yell, "TAKE THESE RICEBALLS WITH YOU. AND YOU'LL PROBABLY GET COLD SO HERE'S AN OVERCOAT I MADE. AND-"

She continued throwing bags and bags of supplies at the dragon and even went so far as to fling a young woman into his arms for him to marry.

The group watched in amusement as the White Dragon fumbled around in panic, completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of supplies he was given, "I can't carry all this!"

It took him a while to regain his senses but once he did he gently told the woman, "I've put my uncles in charge while I'm away so, please rest easy."

"I'm the elder of this village! It's up to me to take care of things in your absence!" The old woman protested instantly.

"But your eyesight is failing and you tire easily-" he attempted to reason.


Hak folded his arms and murmured, "She sure as hell is lively for someone about to kick the bucket."

"Hak!" Aiko hissed, elbowing him. Now wasn't the time for his witty jabs.

By that point, the elder had lost her vigour and instead noted how she would no longer be able to see her grandson easily anymore. She even began to tear up at the notion.

The White Dragon gently embraced the old woman and said something so quiet the rest of the group couldn't hear.

Either way, hearing those words wouldn't have made a difference considering how Aiko and Yoon were already crying at the sight; they were far too soft-hearted to handle an old woman's tears.

"No matter how many years pass, even if I'm blind... You will always shine brightly," the elder said tearfully, still encapsulated in the dragon's embrace. 

Once they finally broke apart, the White Dragon joined the rest of the group, smiling sheepishly, "Sorry about the wait. Let's proceed."

And so, the newly formed group of 5 walked into the forest, filled with a new sense of determination now that they have a dragon warrior on their side.

Kija officially joins the group! The White Dragon's village is probably the least annoying one and it's so sweet to see how much they care about him. As always, I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day. <3

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