Chapter 5

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It was nighttime when disaster struck.

Aiko, Hak and Mundok were about to catch up on everything in private, only to hear commotion from the guest room where Yona was.

There, they saw Tae-Yeon's collapsed form leaning against Yona. The 6-year-old clutched his chest, his face contorted in pain.

"What happened?" Hak exclaimed in panic.

"I-I don't know. He just- he just collapsed," Yona replied, equally as distressed.

"He's having an attack," Mundok explained, "Tae-Yeon's always had weak lungs. He's usually fine after he takes his medicine. All we need to do is wait for the merchants to come."

"BAD NEWS!" a member of the wind tribe stormed into the room, "The merchants were attacked on their way here and all of the merchandise has been destroyed!"

Aiko's green eyes dilated. If Tae-Yeon couldn't get his medicine in time then there was no way he'd be able to last the night.

Pushing aside her emotions, she rushed over to Yona and Tae-Yeon's crumpled-up form, gently whispering soothing words to try and calm him down.

Unfortunately, it was quite hard to sound relaxed when there were so many voices yelling in the background. Aiko felt seconds away from snapping - the last thing Tae-Yeon needed was to hear so much uproar.

Thankfully, Han-Dae entered the scene (now covered in bandages) to scold the others, "You hotheads need to calm down!"

"Uh, weren't you the one who attacked armed soldiers without any weapons-" Tae-Woo noted monotonously.

"What I'm trying to say is that we need to focus on what's important. There's a herbalist in the forest, I can go there and get Tae-Yeon's medicine," the blondie ignored his best friend with a smile on his face.

"Can you even move with those injuries?" Aiko asked, poking Han-Dae's bandaged up arm, causing him to yelp in pain.

"I thought we were over this! Besides, I'm the fastest rider in the wind tribe so it won't hurt that much." Han-Dae met Hak's eyes, "So, what do ya say, young chief?"

"Make sure you haggle down the price." Was his reply, leading to Han-Dae saluting dramatically before running off.

Hak then smirked at the rest of the wind tribe members in the room and said, "Look, I understand you're all angry and, to be honest, I am too but the fire tribe has a strong army. I will not, under any circumstances, allow you to wage war with them... Don't worry, I'll find a way to make them pay for this. Even if the river's been blocked up, we'll find a way to survive so entrust your lives to me and shut up. These are the orders of the wind tribe's general, Son Hak!"

Everyone in the room exchanged bewildered looks, stunned by his words. With this being the wind tribe, it didn't take long for them to recover and switch to teasing the young general.

"See this, my friends? This is what falling in love does to you. Even unrequited, love can still change a person for the better-" Aiko proclaimed. As expected, Hak hit the girl before she could continue the monologue which then spiralled into an argument between the siblings.

Mundok sighed tiredly at the sight; having given up on fixing the duo's attitude, the Elder decided to not intervene.

After a few more minutes of going back and forth, Aiko and other members of the wind tribe began to feel tired and left the guest room, with only Yona, Hak and Tae-Yeon remaining.

Aiko was, as usual, lounging on a tree, staring up at the glistening night sky in quiet admiration. Although she didn't show it, the girl was furious. There was no doubt in her mind that the fire tribe were also responsible for what happened to the merchants, which caused the bitter thirst for revenge to rise up her throat.

The temptation to run off and attack the fire tribe was incredibly strong and Aiko had to get away from Tae-Yeon before that rage overflowed.

Amid her internal struggle, the girl's eyes zeroed in on Hak's silhouette heading towards one of the weapons shops, donning the clothes he arrived in.

"What do you think you're up to?" Aiko called out, before jumping off the tree to face her brother directly.

"None of your business." He attempted to walk past her but Aiko grabbed him by the arm to stop him from walking away.

All the bitterness and stress of the previous two days flowed into her words, "I'm sick of you and your secrets. What the hell are you doing with the princess? What happened at the castle, huh? Who's this Soo-Won and what did he do to you?"

Hak was stunned to silence, clearly far too accustomed to her stupidity.

"You gonna answer my question or what?" Aiko grumbled rudely, snapping Hak out of his thoughts.

"We've been driven outta the castle," he mumbled, with his head tilted downwards to avoid her gaze, "King Il... He's dead."

Even if Aiko already pieced it together on her own, hearing it from the general himself just made it real.

"Holy shit," was all the girl could utter.

She almost wished she was wrong for once.

The whole situation with Tae-Yeon stressed me out so much when I first watched YOTD - I would've lost it if he died. As always, thanks for reading and have a wonderful day. <3

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