xiii. she knows

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Y/n's POV

" One single bite...That's not how you turn a human into a vampire. That's not it at all. But here you are. Whoever did this to you...is even more of a surprising tale than you are "

" You're very vigilant. And that will be useful to you and the people you care about in the future "

" I'm kind of pretty happy being apart of this clan. We help a lot of people. I've lost count of the amount of people we've saved from unjust captivity. "

None of it made sense.

My bite story.

Needing to be vigilant?

Captivity?...That's what was really racking my brain.

" His whole pack was captured. He was about to be captured along with them but my dad heard what was going on as he was luckily just passing by and he's been with us ever since. "

Brent's entire pack was captured?

I just don't get who and why.

" It's complicated. "

Why did she keep saying that? Why can't she tell me? Like right now?

"Uhh Y/n?" I look up from my textbook that I was absentmindedly staring at, being met with concerned looks from Reece and Troye who were taking their seats at our lunch table. "You feeling ok? Something wrong?"

"Oh yeah- I was just zoned out. I'm hella tired." I blink a few times, effectively snapping me out of the tiresome loop of thoughts I was falling victim to moments before.


"Yeah. At least tomorrow is late start." Troye shrugs.

"Thank God for that." I agree. Soon after that comment I see Alessia, Shawn, and Khalid approach the table. I feel like we haven't all hung out as a group in a minute. I missed everybody. Plus I could use their normalcy in my life.

I wait for the three of them to sit. "We should all do something this weekend."

"I'm down. What were you thinking?" Alessia replies.

"Yo how bout a pool day at Y/n's." Khalid offers. Everyone at the table pulls a face at this.

"Kind of cold for that no?" Troye laughs mockingly.

"Oh shit true."

I laugh to myself before speaking, "how bout a jacuzzi and movie night instead. Saturday?"

"Yeah I'm free."

"Sounds good."

"What sounds good?" Normani takes a seat next to me, followed by Sabrina and Dinah sitting across from us.

"Oh hot tub and movie night at mine on Saturday. Y'all down?"

Normani nods. "Yeah babe."

"Duh." Sabrina adds.

I look to Dinah. "Uh yeah, should be able to make it. I'll ask Camila too."

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