36 • Fake Gazebo Waltz

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We spend a better half of the next hour discussing our favorite holiday films and our cheesiest Christmas traditions. Surprisingly, making eggnog is not Nik's. Although I did tease him for his. Nik's parents used to make him take a Christmas card every year –holding all his photos from previous years.

"I must see the latest Christmas card," I say, laughing. "How old were you?"

"About 22. That's the last year before they died," Nik says quietly, but his smile is gentle.

"So that card has about 21 other cards in it?" I ask.

"About right," Nik laughs, rubbing the back of his head. "So, what's your family's cheesiest tradition, Noe?"

"Besides naming children after Christmas themed songs and related paraphernalia?" I cringe.

"Yes, besides that." Nik laughs.

Hmm. "We have a lot, to be honest."

"What comes to mind first?" Nik asks, his eyes red.

I think about everything my family does around the holiday season –starting the day after Thanksgiving really. There's our annual chopping of the first tree at Trodder's Farm. Of course I can't forget the matching pajamas Christmas morning.

"Cheesiest would have to be our stocking wishes," I admit. My heart swells just thinking about it this year.

"Stocking wishes?" Nik asks.

I nod. "Each year, we write our deepest wish for Christmas on these tiny scraps of paper. We hide them in the bottom of our own stockings."

"Secret, deep wishes in your stockings?" Nik tilts his head. "That's not cheesy. That's magical."

"Well," I laugh. "Magical, I don't know. But it is nice to sort of gift your own wish to yourself, I guess. Easier to write things down than ask for them out loud."

"I can find the reason in that." Nik nods. "When do you write the wishes?"

"Christmas Eve, of course," I say. Tomorrow.

Nik breaks eye contact for a moment and I feel myself turn a violent shade of red –especially under these spotlights. Nik starts shaking his head, laughing.

"What? Don't make fun! I told you it was cheesy."

"I'm just still surprised your favorite Christmas movie is Elf."

"Nik!" I punch him on the shoulder.

"Ow, watch the right hook."

"Elf is iconic, thank you." I defend my decision.

"It's great. Will Ferrell's best work. But iconic?" Nik arches his brow. "I expected you to prefer the classics. You know –It's a Wonderful Life or White Christmas."

"Both honorable mentions," I nod.

Nik shifts in the little makeshift seat on the bench. I stand to stretch my legs and walk the inside perimeter of the gazebo. It's the clearest night I've seen since arriving on the Midnight Express.

"It's so beautiful out. We should do something," I say, looking up at the dangling icicles.

"Like what?" Nik asks.

"Not sure," I frown. "We could walk the loop again? Any other ideas?"

"Or—" Nik stands up and bridges the gap between us. "Let's dance. White Christmas style." Nik insists.

"I can't dance like that!" I laugh. "Plus this is a gazebo. Not the same thing."

"Ok, so we can make it our own. A fake gazebo dance. A waltz." Nik says, taking my hand in his and placing the other around my waist.

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