🖤 T H I R T Y - S E V E N 🖤

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🖤Chapter Thirty-Seven: Home 🖤


I hear... shouting...

I try to open my eyes, but they're forced shut. My head is spinning, and I can't tell if I'm on solid ground or in an empty void.

My hearing is hazy. I can hardly make out the voices I hear.

Something in the distance suddenly makes a loud banging noise that echoes around me.

I hear more shouting. This time a bit more clear... but still unrecognizable.

"What did you do?!"

"I sold us out."

"Wha- Tomita! You're gonna get us killed!"

"Relax, Oliver. I have a plan."

"Plan!? What plan?!"

Before anything else could be said, another distant bang was heard, followed by even more distant shouting.

"There's not enough time. We have to go."

"W-Wait! Wh-what about Inra?..."

"Leave her. She'll be fine."

"Fine?! We tortured her for nearly a week! How could she be fine?!"

An even louder bang sounded, like a door being slammed open.

"We have to go now!"

Footsteps grew faint before disappearing, a separate group of footsteps soon approached and echoed in my ears. Then I heard my name being called.


Who was.... Was that... Izaya...?



"Oh my god, Inra," I felt someone... Izaya... drop next to me, and my upper body is pulled into his arms.

A nearby unfamiliar voice spoke into a sound of static, "We've got her. No others around. Send paramedics down here immediately. She looks critical."

I hear sobbing and Izaya's voice. He was holding me...! He was crying... over me...

I felt the restrains around my wrists being undone and the cloth gag being taken from my mouth. The corners of my lips felt raw and bruised from the tight bondage, and my eyes were no longer being forced shut by another strip of cloth. 

The rest... The rest felt like a blur...

I was so overwhelmed... that I can't even recall what happened...

I was picked up and placed on a stretcher, begging taken to an ambulance upstairs... That's all I remember before I passed out... with Izaya holding my hand.






That was all Izaya Orihara heard as he sat in Inra's hospital room, staring at her sleeping body. IVs attached to her arm, bandages all over her body, the typical blue hospital gown... It all physically pained him to see her this way... He hated it.

The bruises on the corners of her lips from the tight gag they put on her. Her bruised skin with scratches and scrapes, cuts, and gashes. She's been asleep most of the time he's come to see her, only ever waking up to use the bathroom, bathe, and eat, as well as her therapy sessions, but he's not allowed to visit during those times.

:| |: Reunited at last :| |: - (Durarara Fanfic)-Where stories live. Discover now