iii. trial two ( part 2 )

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TO BE LOVED :: iii, trial two ( part 2 )

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:: iii, trial two ( part 2 )

The team soon regrouped back at the station in the conference room. Thomas told them what he discovered when him and emily were attempting to put together the geological profile. Some of the team were a bit surprised because spencer usually does things like this. Figuring out the geological profile isn't necessarily hard but the way spencer does it, nobody can— but thomas here, showed them a different side.

"If you start from the middle, where we are— you notice all of the other victims are diagonal." Thomas demonstrated with a pencil.

"The unsub is moving outwards?" Morgan questioned.

"Exactly. It's kind of like a..." Thomas was trying to think of a good comparison. He had one but he couldn't think of the exact name.

"Flower. It's blooming." Jennifer finished his thought for him.

He nodded, sharing a look with her. Hotch, with a clap of his hands rotated to the profile itself.

This was a tough case. This unsub is taking women and men, beating them to a pulp while they're tied up. Exactly how are you suppose to figure out why for something like that?

• • •

Everyone sat in the conference room, they were trying to figure their next steps— the unsub's next steps. While they all chatted, thomas was getting a cup of coffee. He knew it was his first case but he couldn't help but doubt himself now. He wanted this so much that he kept second guessing now and he didn't know why.

Emily notice thomas wasn't apart of the conversation, so she got up from next to spencer and left the room. As soon as she stepped out, she looked to her right and saw him by the coffee machine. She sighed making her way to him. She simply tapped his shoulder, then he turned around.

To Be Loved,                                                     jennifer jareauWhere stories live. Discover now