xvi. dead ends

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TO BE LOVED :: xvi, dead ends

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:: xvi, dead ends

Thomas eyes fluttered open as he quietly groaned. He reached for his phone off the nightstand and held it in front of his face. There was only a few messages asking where he is and whatnot. After a scroll or two, he reached over to the nightstand and placed his phone back down. As soon as his phone left from in front of his face, he found Chrissy leaning on his chest.

"Morning, you." She lightly smiled, "How's your head?"

He mustered a smile, "Raging."

Chrissy began getting up, off the bed, "I'll go get some Advil and water."

As soon as she left the room, his phone started ringing. He looked over and it was Jennifer calling him. He reached for it and pressed the green answer button before bringing it up to his ear.

"Jj, what's up?'

"Where are you? Checked your room this morning, you weren't there and Hotch has been asking about you."

"I'll be there soon. Cover for me?"

"Sure. Thomas, we caught a lead. I think Spencer's theory's right."

"It's not. Be there soon." He quickly hung up. His phone met the nightstand once again and Chrissy finally came back with Advil and water.

She got on top of him, straddling him as she passed him the Advil and water. He immediately gulped it down and placed the glass of water by his phone on the nightstand.

"Feel better?" Her hands rested on his bare chest.

"I'm sure it'll kick in soon."

To Be Loved,                                                     jennifer jareauWhere stories live. Discover now