xii. then what?

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TO BE LOVED :: xii, then what?

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:: xii, then what?

Another morning, another case. 5am and Thomas was finishing putting on his blazer. Penelope texted everyone not too long ago about the matters of the case and how quickly everyone needed to be there. Just like any emergency, Thomas was quick out the door and as always, he left a note for his brother because he didn't want him to worry. Though in the line of work Thomas is currently in, he's pretty sure Dean always worries.

After parking in the garage of the building, he quickly got out the car and ran to the elevator.

Today though, today was a special day. It was Thomas' birthday and since forever, he never really made a big deal about it but more so, he didn't really feel like celebrating it that year. However, he didn't know that the team already had something up their sleeve.

Once the doors open to the BAU, he stepped out and headed to the glass doors. He opened them, walking through them. He looked around and saw no one else was there except Spencer who was seated at his desk. Thomas then made his way over to his desk, considering his desk is right in front of Spencer's.

Thomas sat down across from the doctor, "Morning, Reid."

He looked up from his newspaper, "Morning."

"I thought Penelope texted everyone to be here early? We have a case, right?"

Spencer nodded, "I would assume so. I got the same message as you."

As Thomas leaned back into his chair, Emily had just walked in. She was heading to the conference room as she spoke to the boys,

"What are you sitting around for? They're waiting for us." She gestured towards the conference room.

Thomas and Spencer abruptly got up and followed Emily to the conference room. She opened the door and switched the light on.


Everyone stood there with smiles on their faces. All eyes were on Thomas as he stood in the doorway. He couldn't believe it. It was six in the morning and cake was on the table. To make matters better, Dean stood next to Penelope. He couldn't believe his brother got up early in the morning to surprise him with his team. If he knows anything about Dean, is that he loves his sleep.

Thomas made his way to the table, passing everyone a look of surprise. He was actually speechless. He didn't know what to say, so he didn't. He just plastered a smile on his face as he gave everyone hugs.

• • •

When he did finally speak, they were all now eating slices of cake.

Thomas looked amongst the group, "I really appreciate this, guys. Who knew you could have cake for breakfast?" Light chuckles erupted throughout the room.

"And it's the good kind." Dean chimed in, with his eyes on his piece as he stabbed his fork in.

That earned a light chuckle from everyone and the door swinging open by Penelope. She had just gotten back from leaving only a few minutes ago. She didn't have to say anything because the team already knew — there was a case.

Everyone began standing and cleaning the table up. Thomas told his brother he'll see him later as he walked him to the exit. After that, he reunited with the team back in the conference room. Garcia gave the rundown of the case and soon enough, they were all on the jet.

As they all continued the chat about the case on the jet, Thomas had leaned over to jj. The two were sitting next to each other when he whispered,

"I saw you didn't have any of the cake."

"Grosses me out." She whispered back.

"How come?"

"I'll tell you when we're alone." She said as she glanced at everyone.

He was now very curious. With a thought already in his mind, he pulled out a blank piece of paper and scribbled a word using his pen. He lightly nudged jj, showing her the paper with the one word.


She lightly nodded and his eyes just wandered back to the paper that sat on his lap. He didn't know what to think or feel. It was more like indescribable. He wasn't that surprised. He knew Jennifer loved Will and he didn't really expect her to break up with him. I guess he really didn't know how fast their relationship was moving.

Jj on the other hand, she was waiting for his reaction or response. Though she was aware of how he felt, she felt as if he was barely trying to put effort into wanting to be with her. If you think about it, if Thomas wanted to be with jj, he wouldn't have pursued Emily — one of jj's closest friends.

This whole situation is just really complicated but for them or anyone to move forward, communication is key.

This whole situation is just really complicated but for them or anyone to move forward, communication is key

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To Be Loved,                                                     jennifer jareauWhere stories live. Discover now