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As Variel took it all in, Tanier still hesitated to share some of his other, more difficult feelings, but eventually he was sure they mattered to the boy and any silence would most likely be seen as a form of rejection. So he continued: "Also I have never been sexually involved with another man before and find it rather refreshing as well. Maybe it is just you that I find refreshing, but then it may be that I just found something that I never cared to look for and thus overlooked for too long. I never had the inclination, never felt attracted to men sexually, but as you can probably guess I had women almost literally thrown my way ever since I was old enough for it. I had very little reason to look for anything at all. But now that I found you, I am glad that I did. I assume it is different for you. I mean the way I understand it, you felt a certain inclination towards men and your family took that as a hint?"

Deep down Tanier was slightly scared about how much he had revealed not just to the boy, but more important to himself. Did he just admit that he had missed another man, sexually, for the bigger parts of his life? Did he really mean this? Now the word was out, at least between him and Variel. He did not regret his words, even if they had said more than he had known himself. He also had no doubt that he needed to know Variel's position on this. There had been enough hints, but he wanted clarity. He wanted to know, if this was really something the boy wanted or if it was rather something he endured or maybe saw as an interesting experiment - much like he did at this point.

Right on cue, Variel blushed as the subject of sex was brought up. He turned his face away momentarily to try and collect himself, but returned his gaze quickly as not to offend Tanier. So, he was a break from the monotony, an interesting new toy. He supposed that made sense, too, and he couldn't deny that it felt good to stand out from the crowd in this way, even if it was simply the fact that he was a man allowing him to do so.

He was then presented with a question, and he became aware that it was now Tanier waiting for an answer from him. He pulled in a breath and considered his words carefully. He could undo himself here if he said the wrong thing. He wasn't going to lie, but he needed to make sure he didn't... go too far.

"Yes, sire, I have always been inclined toward men... older men... At least, since I was old enough to be interested in such things. I find some women attractive or even beautiful, but... only

in an aesthetic sense. It has never been a sexual attraction. My father... Well, he was livid when he first foudn out and... somewhat overreacted. He beat me, accusing me of just being rebellious and trying to shame the family. He later calmed down and... heard me out, but he never approved. Perhaps my preference was what gave him the idea to give me over to you... I am... certain he noticed how..." He paused, his blush darkening a little. "...How I admired you at the festivals. I expect he was a bit surprised when you agreed to the arrangement."

He lay his head down then, closing his eyes. "I will admit that I was not happy when I was sent here, despite my interest... I was being taken away from my research and I thought that for at least the next year, my body would be the only thing that mattered. I have always valued my mind, and I thought I might lose it just stuck in that wing - in my room - for days at a time with nothing to challenge me mentally. However... as nervous as I was when you first called on me... I very quickly realized that those nights would be the highlight of my time here. Of course, I never expected what happened today."

Slowly, he raised his head and opened his eyes. "Your Majesty, I understand that I am merely a part of your task list and I would not ask to be anything more. But as for me... you have given me so much more than I had ever thought I could have in my position. Opportunities, hope that I might realize my dreams, and... on a more intimate level... your attention."

Tanier leaned forward, put his hand under Variel's chin to pull him closer and kissed him. It was the only reasonable answer. He kissed him like he had all the time in the world and like he was the only thing that mattered. So the boy had a crush on him. That was good. In a year they would know, if it was just a crush or had evolved into something more. Right here and now the only thing that mattered was the kiss.

Variel shut his eyes the instant their lips touched. The kiss... it felt like so much more than it should have. From what Variel had gathered, he was just an experience, a break, and a project, but the kiss felt so real, so meaningful. Perhaps it was just his own mind attributing those characteristics to it. Nevertheless, he forced himself to stop thinking about it and just enjoy the contact. He yielded to Tanier as always, giving him control of the kiss.

When it was over, his eyes opened again and he gazed back at the king, whose fingers still touched the young man's face after the kiss and Tanier held his gaze when he said: "Variel, you may be a part of my task list, but you will never be merely that, understood?" And for emphasis he kissed him again.

The words made Variel's heart skip a beat and his eyes widen in surprise. Maybe the words didn't mean what he thought they did, but they gave him some irrational hope deep down that maybe he could be special to the king in time. For now, he shut off his skeptical mind and chose to believe that he meant something to this man, taking those words at face value. He savored the second kiss, and by the time they pulled apart again, his cheeks were flushed for a different reason.

"...Thank you, sire. That means so much to me... more than you know ."

Tanier didn't stop to tell Variel that he knew. He just kissed him again, while his hands started to open and remove the belt. He pushed his hands under Variel's tunic and under the shirt until his fingers brushed over his nipples, touching, teasing and occasionally scratching the sensitive skin. His mouth started to explore the neck, kissing, biting, nibbling. More and more he lost his patience with the unyielding fabric that hindered his hands to roam freely. He stopped his explorations and yanked the tunic off of Variel's body. He decided to go all the way and the shirt followed immediately. He was clearly pleased to see the young man lie on the grass half naked. He was kneeling on the grass at his side, stretched out his hand and the very tips of his fingers trailed over the exposed chest, the flat belly that slightly trembled under his touch. He reached for the boots and pulled them off, one after the other. If Variel was in any way inclined to protest the sheer confidence in every move of the king would have been enough to make him comply and in no time he was completely naked and skillfull fingers were toying with him, as the older man knew pretty well how to touch his most sensitive spots.

Variel had no qualms about the conversation ending there. He doubted Tanier wanted to hear his sob-story about how just being wanted felt like a new and exciting high in his life he didn't really ever remember experiencing. His parents had raised him out of obligation, and whatever affection they might have had for him as a child had slowly vanished over the years when he hadn't grown into a clone of his father like his brothers had. To know that the king actually enjoyed him, despite having obligations of his own, made the young man's heart sore.

At no point did Variel wish to protest. His heart was racing with excitement at every kiss or touch or grazing of teeth. He was panting as the frustrated king nearly tore his clothes off, and he did his best to make this process easier, moving in such a way that the clothing came off without too much tugging and fussing. By the time he lay naked in the grass, all the most important parts of him had turned from their usual porcelain pale to a lovely rose.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he worried that someone might hear them or stumble upon them, but he shoved that thought away. What did it matter?! He was with the king! Who was going to say anything to the king?!

The King's New Toy - (Part 1 of the Ignaius-Saga)Where stories live. Discover now