The Workshop

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The following morning, Variel handed the sealed letter to the woman Tanier had mentioned, informing her that the king was expecting his message in hopes that it would be delivered quickly.

Tanier was delighted when he got the list fast. It turned out most of it could be obtained easily. It was alarming, how impatient he was, but the young man was one of the more exciting things in his life right now. A lot of it was routine work for him by now. Some of it was enjoyable, some was not. Most of it was important and he could not afford to mess up. He was yearning to see Variel again. He had started to think of him as a much desired escape. At the same time, he had all intentions to make sure the boy would become much more than that. He wanted him to play a role in his life and possible in his realm. But this would require some careful engineering. So as much as spending time with Variel promissed excitement and freedom, he knew very well that it was a veritable challenge to make this a lasting arrangement.

For a few days nothing happened. Then, while Variel was reading in the small library, a servant approached him and introduced a man who was dressed in a different uniform. It looked similar to one Variel had seen on some of the people working in the garden, just that it was more lavishly decorated. The man bowed to Variel and introduced himself: "I am Banir, one of the construction supervisors of this house. By his majesty's order I am to help you with setting up your laboratory."

The man was maybe ten years older than Variel. He looked around with curiosity, while he tried not to be too obvious about it. Clearly he had never been to this part of the palace. The job itself did not seem to be exciting or challenging to him, but the circumstances and the person he had to work with now seemed to peak his curiosity.

When the servant approached him with the stranger, Variel only looked up with polite curiosity; he wasn't really in the best mood. However, when the man introduced himself, the boy's eyes lit up and his full attention was now on Banir. He stood up and offered to shake the man's hand with a polite bow. "A pleasure to meet you, Banir. I am Variel of House Alturus. I look forward to working with you." His heart had jumped into a gallop with a burst of excitement. He was eager to get started with his work for many reasons, the three most prominent being the intellectual stimulation, being able to get out of this damn harem wing for at least a few hours each day, and - of course - it meant that he could work toward a more perminent place in the king's court and his bed.

Banir hesitated just for a second, before he accepted the offered hand. He seemed to be surprised by the gesture. "It's a pleasure and an honor," he replied. "I am here to show you the room we choose for your laboratory. We need to know, if it is acceptable and if you desire any changes. If you allow me, I'll show you the way, my lord."

As much as his manners were flawless, the man appeared to be slightly restless, driven by curiosity. His eyes, kept travelling back and fore and eventually always landed on Variel, as he guided him through the corridors.

Variel abandoned his book without regret in order to follow the older man, struggling to contain his giddiness. He did - however - soon become aware of his guide's demeanor, and then next time Banir looked at him, Variel met his gaze. "Is something the matter?" he asked, feeling a bit of heat rise in his cheeks. He already had a few guesses as to why this man couldn't stop staring at him. After all, who and what he was, was no secret.

"No, my lord," the man immediately replied. For a moment he was able to control his curiosity, but then he jumped on the small occasion that was offered to him. "You probably understand that it is an unusual request." He did not volunteer more at this point, but left it up to Variel to make an educated guess on what he tried to insinuate, while they stepped out into the garden, taking a different route from the one Variel already knew.

The King's New Toy - (Part 1 of the Ignaius-Saga)Where stories live. Discover now