Discovering a Diamond

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On his way out, his eyes roamed over the girls. Each of them had their own aspiration, talent and qualities. He would love to discover a little more of one of them tonight. For now he had established with enough certainly that Elina was not looking for a permanent place at his side. He just didn't know yet, what else she was aiming for.

It took Tanier a little while to locate the girl he had been looking for. He had wanted to spend more time with Ire anyway and the fact that she had not thrown herself onto the occasion to impress him - or the fact that she was one of the girls Elina may not share rumours with - made him even more curious now. Finally he spotted her, still talking to the other girl who looked remarkably unremarkable. "Ire of Hator," he adressed her, "I want you to be at my side for the ball tonight at the Dawarian embassy. You have three hours to get ready."

Ire looked up when the king approached, stopping in the middle of a sentence to give him her full attention. She was a petite blonde girl with big blue eyes, and her personality seemed to match her innocent look. Like Variel, she was still shy even after the couple weeks she had been here. Those eyes widened with surprise at his request, and then a rosy tint appeared on her cheeks and she smiled. "Oh... O-of course, Your majesty. It would be an honor."

Her friend, an emerald-eyed red-head named Liren, smiled at her, far from looking jealous or upset that she hadn't been chosen. Ire curtsied daintily for the king and then dashed off to go do what she had not done earlier - doll herself up for the dance.

Tanier smiled as he looked after her. The girl was adorable. He was wondering what would happen, when she found herself as the center of attention at a major event. And he was looking for the opportunity to talk to her, they would have quite a bit of time on their way.

He greeted Liren and left and sent a litte message to his valet to consult with Ire, after all tehy were supposed to look like a couple and that would work a lot better, if their wardrobe was somehow coordinated.

Roughly two hours later a coach was waiting at the drive way, but the king was no where to be seen when Ire arrived. But his aide was there and advised her to already sit down in the coach. He did not seem to be upset, so it was probably not unusual for the king to arrive late. She had just taken a seet when she heard quick steps and when she was about to look outside, the king entered. Before he even acknowledged her persence, he gave the command to start and with a jolt the vehicle started moving. The king sat down opposite to the girl. The coach was old and not exactly comfortable. Usually Tanier preferred riding, but for such an occasion it would have been inappropriate. A formal ball called for a formal entry. Finally his eyes fell on Ire's face and he smiled.

Ire was clearly nervous, but she smiled across at Tanier when he sat down. "Good evening, Your Majesty," she greeted him with a bow of her head, since she was sitting and could not curtsy. She had taken much care with her appearance now that it was actually required of her and not a bid for attention. "Thank you so much for choosing me to accompany you. I... hope I will not disappoint you." She had of course attended functions like this before, so she knew she could play the part. However, being on the arm of the king was going to get her much more attention than just being the host's daughter, and she was anxious about how she could handle it.

He gave her a thorough look. She looked a lot older now - but in a good way. She looked impressive and dignified. Yet she still had this touch of innocence that made her look precious beyond the expensive dress, the jewlery and the elaborate headdress. It was probably the eyes. It was very difficult to look at them and not melt.

"I know you will not," Tanier said, lightheartedly. He wasn't concerned. Not just because it was highly unlikely, after all the girls had all been trained for social function from early infancy, but also because he was completely unconcerned when it came to the possibility of any of his young protegees messing up. He spent to much time with nervous debutants and had seen - and survived - his fair share of mishaps.

The King's New Toy - (Part 1 of the Ignaius-Saga)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang