The Ball

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"I am glad to hear that you like music and dancing. It will make a large part of the evening a lot more enjoyable. I will also introduce you to some people and would enjoy to learn your opinion on them on our way home." It was possible that this way he could learn a few things that people would not tell him, but would gladly reveal to a beautiful young lady. More important he wanted to get an insight into her skills and character. "A few people you will already know. I know that the ambassador of Gareth served at your fathers court for a while not that long ago. There may be others, but I immediately thought about him. He and his wife may enjoy talking to you, for old time's sake."

The coach slowed down, as they approached the embassy. The door was opened as soon as it stopped. Tanier got out first, then offered his arm to Ire as soon as she followed. There was a line of servants holding torches to illuminate the driveway. As they walked up the stairs to he entry, the news of their arrival travelled before them. Tanier made sure that they walked slowly. It was not just to look dignified. He had no need to look dignified to the servants. But that way everyone got enough time to prepare for his arrival, foreveryone to give their full attention to the king once he entered. There would be a few formal greetings and then he would open the dance. The good thing about a ball was that after opening the balls he had a good measure of freedom on what to do, whom to talk to, if he danced or not (even if not dancing at all was not an option) - at least until dinner was served, but of all formal events he rather preferred balls over most others.

As was procedure at any formal event, the king was announced - along with his company - upon entering the ballroom. Ire felt giddy with excitement as they descended down to the dance floor, and she didn't have to fake a smile as she danced with Tanier at the center of the open space. She never vied for the center of attention, but surely no girl could be upset about being on the king's arm!

Once the opening was done, people apploaded the two of them and then a few more couples made their way down. Ire was glowing by the time they left the dance floor to go mingle and partake in refreshment. This whole occasion had made her feel so special, and her happiness at being 'King Tanier's Lady' seemed to bring her out of her shell a little. It was only for a night, she knew, but she decided not to think about it that way and just revel in this opportunity, this little dream.

It was nice to see Ire blossom on the dancefloor. He felt like he was showing off a diamond as he was leading her. He did not have to impress anyone, being the king was usually good enough to do this, but still he noticed with delight that she was making his appearance a little more splendid, something he had not expected from the shy girl. It was also a perfect way to present her and make her look good to everyone who saw her graceful moves, her youthful energy and the pure joy she seemed to exude.

As she enjoyed dancing so much, Tanier saw to it that she would not lack partners to dance with, something that was quite easy. Men were almost literally lining up to dance with her. He reserved a few dances for himself, but gave her ample chances to meet some of her newly found admirers.

He used the opportunity for a few informal chats, but also to dance with some other ladies. It was expected of him, but he also liked this form of keeping in touch with some of the leading dignitaries and their families.

Of course Ire was back at his side for dinner. They exchanged a few pleasentries, but Tanier mostly refrained from making conversation, too much aware that they were at the center of attention most of the time. For some of the more high ranking nobles and dignitary who were admitted to court it was less of a spectacle to watch the king eat, but there were always some who were simply curious. Tanier was quite good by now at acting seemingly casual and like no one was watching, while he was acutely aware that everything he did was noted.

The King's New Toy - (Part 1 of the Ignaius-Saga)Where stories live. Discover now